North American T-28 Trojan - Wikipedia
The North American Aviation T-28 Trojan is a radial-engine military trainer aircraft manufactured by North American Aviation and used by the United States Air Force and United States Navy …
T-28教练机 - 百度百科
美国北美飞机公司的t-28“特洛伊”双座单发教练机,是在20世纪50年代初服役于美国空军和美国海军的活塞式军用教练机。 在越南战争期间,T-28也被成功作为反暴乱飞机使用。
North American AT-28D-5 “Nomad” - American Airpower Museum
2023年4月1日 · North American AT-28D-5 “Nomad” MK 1. Current Status: Flyable. History: The North American Aviation T-28 Trojan was originally built as a tandem seat radial-engine …
From 1961 to 1964, T-28Ds flew combat sorties with the USAF in Southeast Asia. They were retired from service with the Thai Air Force in 1972. Today, approxi-mately 250 to 300 T-28s …
T-28 Trojan - NHHC
Introduced during the 1950s, North American's T-28 Trojan served into the 1980s in the Naval Air Training Command. T-28s were also actively utilized in the Vietnam War by the U.S. and South...
T-28 TROJAN - Warbird Registry
Wingspan: 40 ft. 7 In. Two .50 machine guns. Up To 1,800 lbs. of bombs or rockets. The North American T-28 Trojan was a piston-engined military trainer aircraft used by the United States …
North American T-28 Trojan - National Museum of World War II …
The North American Aviation T-28 Trojan is a military trainer aircraft with a piston engine used by the United States Air Force and United States Navy beginning in the 1950s. Besides its use as …
T-28 Trojan - Palm Springs Air Museum
Beginning in 1962 the USAF modified more than 200 T-28As as tactical fighter-bombers for counterinsurgency warfare. Equipped with 1,425 hp engines, these airplanes (re-designated …
North American T-28 Trojan Two-Seat Basic Trainer Aircraft
2020年11月2日 · North American converted the T-28D into a COIN model by way of the "YAT-28E" prototype. This entry included a Lycoming YT-55L-9 turboprop engine, twelve underwing …
North American T-28 Trojan - Warbird Alley
In 1962, North American began supplying T-28Ds for the counter-insurgency role. Six underwing hard-points were added in order for the aircraft to accept a variety of weapons. The T-28 saw …