Lockheed T-33 - Wikipedia
The Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star (or T-Bird) is an American subsonic jet trainer.It was produced by Lockheed and made its first flight in 1948. The T-33 was developed from the Lockheed P …
Lockheed T-33A Shooting Star - National Museum of the USAF
The T-33 is one of the world's best-known aircraft, having served with the air forces of more than 20 different nations over several decades. The T-33A on display was flown to the museum in …
T-33A Shooting Star – Air Mobility Command Museum
T-33A Shooting Star. In 1943, during World War II, the United States Army Air Corps asked the Lockheed Aircraft Company to quickly design a fighter (XP-80) around the British de Havilland …
T-33A入間川墜落事故 - Wikipedia
T-33A入間川墜落事故 (T-33Aいるまがわついらくじこ)は、 1999年 (平成11年) 11月22日 に発生した 航空機墜落事故。 航空自衛隊 のベテラン パイロット 2名が T-33A による 年次飛 …
T-33教练机 - 百度百科
T-33教练机(英文:T-33 Trainer Aircraft [5],绰号:T-Bird,译文:T鸟,通称:洛克希德T-33),是美国一型双座单发平直翼亚音速 高级喷气教练机。 T-33教练机从P-80/F-80战斗机发 …
Lockheed T–33 shooting star: Taming the T-Bird - AOPA
2014年1月5日 · Both would be covered by a distinctive, single-piece, seven-foot-long clamshell canopy. The result was the Lockheed T–33A Shooting Star, a dedicated trainer that first flew …
Lockheed T-33A-5-LO Shooting Star - Smithsonian Institution
The T-33A was the only jet trainer in the USAF inventory from 1948 until the advent of the Cessna T-37A in 1957 and the Northrop T-38A in 1961. It served as an instrument trainer and utility …
The Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star is an American-built jet trainer aircraft. It was produced by Lockheed and made its first flight in 1948, piloted by Tony LeVier. The T-33 was developed …
T-33 (航空機) - Wikipedia
T-33 は、 アメリカ空軍 初の実用ジェット 戦闘機 P-80 から発展した、初の複座ジェット 練習機。 愛称は原型のP-80同様 シューティングスター (Shooting Star: 流星 の意)だが、 T …
T-33A Jet Trainer - NASA
2024年1月3日 · A Lockheed T-33A (49-0939) Jet Trainer. This aircraft arrived at the NACA High-Speed Flight Station February 5, 1958. It departed...