T-54/T-55 - Wikipedia
From the late 1950s, the T-54 eventually became the main tank for armoured units of the Soviet Army, armies of the Warsaw Pact countries, and many others. T-54s and T-55s have been involved in many of the world's armed conflicts since their introduction in the second half of the 20th century. The T-54/55 series is the most-produced tank in history.
T-55A | War Thunder Wiki
The T-55A is the second variant of the T-55 main battle tank family. It was manufactured from 1963 to 1981 and, in comparison to the previous variant, has a new anti-radiation lining as well as a full PAZ/FVU chemical filtration system.
T-54/T-55 operators and variants - Wikipedia
T-55A (Ob'yekt 155A) [149] – Produced 1963–1981, in Poland 1964–1979. The T-55A MBT was primarily developed to incorporate a new antiradiation lining and full PAZ/FVU chemical filtration system. One of the major internal additions was the use of a plasticized lead sheeting for antiradiation protection.
编号16:T-55主战坦克(第六部分)-再见老兵:1980年代以来的改进提高(T-55AD、T-55AMV、T-55M5、T-55M6)及T ...
装有 “Drozd (鸫)”式硬杀伤主动防御系统的T-55A,改装后被称为T-55AD,这辆车是目前存于库宾卡装甲科学试验场 (NIIBT)。 1030M型 "鸫"(Drozd)式硬杀伤主动防御系统主要安装在车体外部,传感器则装于炮塔顶部边缘,发射管成对焊接在T-55A坦克炮塔侧面,控制器和计算机则在炮塔后部一个装甲箱中。 "Drozd" (鸫)式硬杀伤主动防御系统的火控计算机安装在炮塔后部,该坦克还在电子箱正下方安装了用于潜渡的三段式进气筒。 炮塔的每一侧都装有两具双联装防御弹药 …
T-55 Main Battle Tank (1958)
The T-55A This version was derived from the prototype Ob\’yekt 155A in 1963, characterized by a new antiradiation lining and full PAZ/FVU chemical filtration system. This development was a logical step further after the PAZ protection suite, and was developed by the Morozov design bureau in Kharkov in conjunction with NII Stali (scientific ...
编号14:T-55主战坦克(第四部分):T-55 M1958、T-55A M1961、T-55K、T-55AK、T …
t-55a是为使t-55适应战术核战争条件下研制的坦克。 这款坦克的研制任务则被专门交给鄂木斯克第174工厂下属设计局,该坦克的研制结果是建立了一个新的坦克设计局,即OKB-174,由A.A.莫罗夫领导,该局后来成为鄂木斯克著名的KBTM。
T-54/55系列主战坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
T-54/55型坦克 是由原 苏联 设计的 中型坦克。 其原型于二战结束前的1945年3月问世,量产则开始于1947年。 其后,T-54/55型坦克迅速成为苏联及 华约 国家的装甲主力,并被输出到众多国家(主要是 社会主义 各国和第三世界国家)。 因而,T-54/55型坦克参加了20世纪后半叶的几乎所有武装冲突。 T-54/55系列 坦克 可说是有史以来产量最大的坦克,其总数据估计高达86,000-100,000辆。 在苏联,T-54/55型的主力地位很快被后继的 T-62 和 T-72 所代替,但在其他很 …
编号15:T-55主战坦克(第五部分):1960年代的短暂导弹化(OBIEKT‑614A)、1980年代渐进式改进、T …
t-55a及t-55 m1958的炮塔是典型半球型炮塔,这种炮塔1950年代苏联采用的一种炮塔,其特点为流线型好防弹能力强。 但随着反坦克武器的发展,防护能力已不能满足需要而逐步被焊接式炮塔所取代。
T-55A Main Battle Tank | sa-armour-museum
The T-55A featured an improved version of the 100 mm D-10T2S rifled gun with better stabilization and fire control systems. The main armament is capable of firing a variety of ammunition types including APFSDS (Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot) and HEAT (High-Explosive Anti-Tank) rounds.
T-55 Variants - GlobalSecurity.org
T-55A (1962) - an upgraded version of the T-55, a second modification of the Large series. A CB plant #183, adopted in 1962 in the series from 1963 to 1977.
The Russian T-55 Medium Tank - TankNutDave.com
The Russian T-55A Medium Tank. The T-55A entered service in 1963. It’s NBC protection was upgraded with anti-radiation internal liner and anti-radiation cover on the tank commander’s cupola. The T-55A has a 100mm D10T main rifled cannon and carries 43 rounds.
T 55A:回顾,特点,对比 - WoT Asia
t-55a拥有更高级的核防护装备,没有配备机枪。 1962年到1970年,苏联共投入1800辆T55和T55 A到德国东部战场。 T 55A回顾视频内容包括了战车的主要特点及战斗表现。
T-55A:分析,参数,对比 - 《坦克世界》
T-55 - Weaponsystems.net
Former USSR T-55A main battle tank on display in a museum. The original T-55 is a much improved version of the T-54. The T-55 features a more powerful V-55 engine, an NBC system, a turret floor and carries more fuel and ammunition. Was fitted without DShK on the turret roof until retrofitted in 1972. Command version of T-55.
T-54 / T-55 Main Battle Tank - GlobalSecurity.org
T-55 Series Tanks. The most massive Soviet tank of the post-war period. It is a deep modernization of the T-54B tank. Developed in the Design Bureau of Plant No. 183.
东德T-55A实战体验 - 哔哩哔哩
简而言之,t-55a与t-54实战体验上的区别就是,t-55a更加灵活,能更好的把握输出机会,t-54则相对综合,输出能力略逊于t-55a. t-55a到底咋样,其实只需提出一个问题便可知晓:玩家水平完全一致的情况下,t-55a与t-54单挑谁赢的可能性更大?
T-55 Soviet Main Battle Tank | Tank Magus
T-55A: Introduced in 1963, this variant featured enhanced radiation protection and added the 12.7 mm DShK anti-aircraft machine gun on the turret. T-55AM: A modernised version with improved fire control systems, stabilisers for the main gun, and the capability to launch ATGMs (such as the 9M117 Bastion missile).
T-55A - Brno Defence Group - brnodg.com
The T-55A tank is a medium weight tracked combat vehicle equipped with a 100 mm gun, an anti-aircraft machine gun of 12.7 mm calibre and two light machine guns of 7.62 mm calibre. The T-55M is equipped with a few modernized means, i.e. a laser sight with 5 km range, the KLADIVO firing control system, and an infrared rangefinder.
T55 Russian Tank T-55 - Battlefleet
The T-54 and T-55 main battle tanks were the Soviet Union's replacements for the World War II era T-34 tank. The T-54/55 tank series is the most produced in the world, and very widely employed, especially by former client states of the Soviet Union.
T-54/T-55 Main Battle Tank - HowStuffWorks
2023年6月9日 · Find specifications for the T-54/T-55 Main Battle Tank below. Date of service: T-54, 1949; T-55, 1959 or 1960. Country: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Type: Main Battle Tank. Dimensions: Length, 6.4 m (21 ft); width, 3.3 m (10.8 ft); height, 2.4 m (7.8 ft)