PSIR序列原理及临床应用 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
psir序列是心脏磁共振 lge延迟强化 常用的序列,该序列的优点是不用计算正常心肌过0时间,通过cr能够得到比较稳定的图像。除了心脏,psir序列还可以用于颈椎扫描以提高脊髓对比度。
Phase-sensitive inversion recovery - Radiopaedia.org
2024年8月28日 · Phase-sensitive inversion recovery (PSIR), also known as phase-corrected inversion recovery (PCIR), refers to an inversion recovery MRI pulse sequence that accounts for the positive and negative polarities and preserves the information of tissue magnetization during the recovery from the initial 180° inversion pulse and factually doubles the ...
Phase sensitive Inversion recovery - Questions and Answers in MRI
What is phase-sensitive IR and why does it have a gray background? The sequence with the gray background you are describing is called phase-corrected or phase-sensitive inversion recovery (PSIR). Several major MR vendors offer this sequence and some call it "Real IR" or "True IR".
Based on these advantages, T1 weighted PSIR is now being explored for the detection of MS lesions in the cervical spinal cord. The T1 weighted PSIR images can be reconstructed as a magnitude or a phase sensitive (real) image (Fig. 1). The magnitude reconstruction does not consider the sign of the signal.
T1-weighted PSIR for MS Lesions in the Spinal Cord - Siemens …
The T1-weighted PSIR shows great potential in revealing MS lesions in the cervical spinal cord. While using this technique it is important to use the phase sensitive reconstruction to preserve the contrast between MS lesions and normal appearing tissue.
Phase-sensitive inversion recovery (PSIR) MRI
Phase-sensitive inversion recovery (PSIR) is a specialized technique used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that enhances image quality by improving the contrast of the images. It’s particularly useful in cases where precise differentiation of tissues is required, such as in cardiac imaging or in the detection of lesions in the brain.
心肌梗死的心脏磁共振成像技术临床应用及其研究现状 - 知乎
近年来,心脏磁共振延迟强化 (late gadolinium enhanced,LGE)已被广泛应用于临床检测及评价心肌梗死,可以准确评估局部梗死心肌位置和范围,对诊断、治疗及判断预后具有重要意义。 LGE作为无创、无辐射以及图像分辨率高的检查方法,不仅可以准确地诊断典型的心肌梗死灶,还可以发现临床症状、心电图及心肌酶学检查不典型的心肌梗死灶。 1.1 心脏磁共振LGE技术的原理. 目前,临床使用最为广泛的LGE序列是相位敏感反转恢复 (phase-sensitive inversion …
Phase enhanced PSIR T1 weighted imaging improves contrast resolution …
2019年9月1日 · The T1 weighted PSIR image is reconstructed using (1) PSIR = ± SI 1 SI 1 + SI 2 where signal SI 1 is the short inversion time (TI 1) and signal SI 2 is the long inversion time (TI 2). PSIR imaging demonstrates improved contrast-to-noise ratio compared to MP2RAGE and there is minimal difference in absolute tissue contrast between the two ...
Phase sensitive reconstruction of T1-weighted inversion ... - PubMed
This study shows that in the setting of a 1.5 T magnet field, STIR significantly has a superiority over both of the PSIR reconstructions (i.e. real and magnitude) for the detection as well as the boundary definition of the cervical cord lesions of MS. These results have a …
MSK protocols - Siemens Healthineers USA
The T1-weighted PSIR shows great potential in revealing MS lesions in the cervical spinal cord. While using this technique it is important to use the phase sensitive reconstruction to preserve the contrast between MS lesions and normal appearing tissue.