QorIQ® T1024 | NXP Semiconductors
The QorIQ ® dual-core T1024 and T1023 and single-core T1014 and T1013 communications processors combine 64-bit cores, built on Power Architecture ® technology, with high-performance Data Path Acceleration Architecture (DPAA) and network peripheral bus interfaces required networking, telecommunications and industrial networked applications.
T1014NSE7MQA Product Information|NXP
The QorIQ ® dual-core T1024 and T1023 and single-core T1014 and T1013 communications processors combine 64-bit cores, built on Power Architecture ® technology, with high-performance Data Path Acceleration Architecture (DPAA) and network peripheral bus interfaces required networking, telecommunications and industrial networked applications.
The T1014 incorporates (1) 64b e5501 Power Architecture CPU core, (1) DDR3L/4 Memory Controller, up to (4) 1G Ethernet ports and (1) 10G Ethernet port, along with multiple PCIe, SATA, and USB peripheral bus controllers, and the QUICC Engine, which supports TDM/HDLC, ISDN, Industrial protocols. .
T1024, T1014 QorIQ T1024, T1014 Data Sheet Features • e5500 cores built on Power Architecture® technology, – T1024 has two cores and T1014 has a single core
QorIQ® T1024/14 和T1023/13单核和双核通信处理器 - NXP
T1024 和T1014 处理器采用全功能23x23 mm 封装,具备可扩展性,与四核T1042处理器(乃至八核T2081处理器)引脚兼容,能够以单系统设计实现灵活的价格和功耗调节。 QorIQ T1023 和T1013通信处理器是接口和功耗经过优化的SoC,旨在为成本和功耗敏感型网络和工业系统提供出色的单核或双核性能。 两种版本均为广受欢迎的32 位QorIQ P10XX系列通信处理器提供出色的64 位软件兼容和I/O升级路径。 View additional information for QorIQ® T1024/14 和T1023/13 单核和双核通 …
T1014NXN7KQA NXP Semiconductors | Mouser
2025年3月19日 · T1014NXN7KQA NXP Semiconductors Microprocessors - MPU QorIQ, 1xCPU 64-Bit Pwr Arch, 1.0GHz, DDR3L/4, PCIe, 1/10GbE, HW Accel, -40 to 105C, 23x23 pkg datasheet, inventory, & pricing.
T1014 Datasheet(PDF) - NXP Semiconductors
NXP Semiconductors is a publicly traded multinational company that designs, develops, and manufactures a wide range of semiconductors and integrated circuits for various applications, …
T1014NXE7PQA 製品情報|NXP
The QorIQ ® dual-core T1024 and T1023 and single-core T1014 and T1013 communications processors combine 64-bit cores, built on Power Architecture ® technology, with high-performance Data Path Acceleration Architecture (DPAA) and network peripheral bus interfaces required networking, telecommunications and industrial networked applications.
T1014 - Teledyne e2v
NXP QorIQ®双核T1024和单核T1014通信处理器将基于Power Architecture®技术的64位核心与高性能数据路径加速架构(DPAA)和网络外设总线接口相结合,可用于网络、通信和工业等应用。 NXP的QorIQ® T系列平台为工业市场提供了优化的功能,包括HMI的显示接口单元、用于工业协议的QUICC引擎®和面向一直开机的高可靠性应用的ECC支持。 NXP T1024和T1014处理器采用23x23mm的封装,与四核T1042处理器甚至八核T2081处理器引脚兼容,帮助客户优化单系统 …
QorIQ® T1024参考设计板 | NXP 半导体
QorIQ ® T1024参考设计板 (T1024RDB)是一种高性能评估和开发平台,支持基于Power Architecture®技术构建而成的QorIQ T1024和T1014通信处理器。 主要面向网络和以太网应用为主的QorIQ T1系列通信处理器评估,例如,固定路由器、交换机、互联网接入设备、防火墙和其他数据包过滤应用、以及通用嵌入式计算中的混合控制和数据平台。 QorIQ T1024RDB有助于加快产品上市速度,在您的硬件和软件生产之前,该系统可作为软硬件开发、调试和性能评估的参考。 …