T-15 Armata - Wikipedia
The T-15 Armata (Russian: T-15 Армата), with industrial designation "Object 149", is a Russian heavy infantry fighting vehicle first seen in public (initially with its turret covered) in 2015 during rehearsals for the Moscow Victory Day Parade.
T-15重型步兵战车 - 百度百科
T-15步兵战车是俄罗斯乌拉尔公司以T-14阿玛塔主战坦克底盘为基础,搭配已装备库尔干人25步兵战车的Epoch无人炮塔,研制出另外一款全新的重型步兵战车。 2015年5月9日,T-15阿玛塔步兵战车在莫斯科胜利日阅兵仪式上正式亮相。 2020年,乌拉尔机车厂组装了一批共计132辆T-14坦克,重型步兵战车T-15和BREM T-16。
T-15步兵戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
T-15「阿瑪塔」步兵戰車 (俄語: T-15 Армата,生產代號「149工程」)是 俄羅斯 最新型的 步兵戰車,將陸續於未來取代於 陸軍 中服役甚久的 BMP-2步兵戰車 及 MT-LB通用履帶平台 [1];其首次公開亮相為 2015年红场阅兵 預演。 T-15步兵戰車裝載了 「迴旋鏢」-BM遙控炮塔,同時亦搭載了 2A42 30毫米機炮,一挺 PKT 7.62毫米同軸機槍 [2],以及於兩側各搭載了一門 9M133短號反坦克飛彈。 [3] 另一个版本配备了AU-220M炮塔,此炮塔配备一门BM-57型57mm自动炮,一 …
T-15 Armata Heavy Infantry Fighting Vehicle | All turret variants
Au-220M Baikal. The Baikal turret was also developed by Central Scientific Research Institute Burevestnik and has been around since 2016 and has been mounted on a number of light weight AFV such as the BMP-3 and BRM-3K Rys (lynx). The earlier version of this turret featured a more minimalistic housing.
T-15步兵战车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年7月2日 · T-15“阿玛塔”步兵战车 ( 俄语 : T-15 Армата ,生产代号“ 149工程 ”)是 俄罗斯 最新型的 步兵战车 ,将陆续于未来取代于 陆军 中服役甚久的 BMP-2步兵战车 及 MT-LB通用履带平台 [ 1] ;其首次公开亮相为 2015年红场阅兵 预演。 T-15步兵战车装载了 “回旋镖”-BM遥控炮塔 ,同时亦搭载了 2A42 30毫米机炮 ,一挺 PKT 7.62毫米同轴机枪 [ 2] ,以及于两侧各搭载了一门 9M133短号反坦克导弹 。 [ 3] 另一个版本配备了AU-220M炮塔,此炮塔配备一门BM-57 …
T-15 Heavy Infantry Combat Vehicle - GlobalSecurity.org
Created by the Uralvagonzavod Research and Production Corporation, the T-15 is expected to replace the BMP-2 amphibious infantry fighting vehicle and the MT-LB multi-purpose fully amphibious...
Armament for TBMP T-15. New "Dagger" and other samples
2019年6月6日 · Despite the redesign of the structure, the “Baikal” for the T-15 is an old and proven composition of weapons. To attack various targets, it is proposed to use an 57-mm cannon, a machine gun of normal caliber and guided missiles. A developed MSA with a pair of sights for the commander and gunner operator was also applied.
T-15 Armata IFV [REVIEW + SPECS] | Defence Database
A third variant has an AU-220M Baikal remote weapon station with the same 57 mm BM-57 autocannon, 9M120-1 Ataka ATGM missiles, and a coaxial PKMT machine gun. T-15 Armata IFV is powered by a 1,500 hp multifuel diesel engine coupled to an automatic transmission.
AU-220M "Baikal" (57 mm): prospects for practical use in future …
2025年1月24日 · The module "Baikal" will look more organic on the BMP "Armata" T15. However, such a decision cannot be considered as an option for at least some significant saturation of the army with these weapons. At least in the next 5-10 years.
Russian T-15 (Object 149) Armata Heavy IFV
2015年10月16日 · The company earlier announced that preliminary testing was underway for new smart rounds for the 57mm Au-220M Baikal remotely operated turret, which can be mounted on the Armata T-15 heavy infantry fighting vehicle and the Kurganets-25 family of IFVs, as well as the Bumerang amphibious armored personnel carrier, another new Russian armored vehicle.