【名鲸故事】虎鲸:T2C2(Tumbo) - 哔哩哔哩
虎鲸T2C2(Tumbo)是一头Bigg's生态型虎鲸,旧称过客鲸(Transient)。 T2C2(Tumbo)出生于2005年,雄性,是一头患有脊柱侧弯的虎鲸,这种疾病在虎鲸当中非常罕见。
虎鲸T2C2(Tumbo)和他的家族的故事 - 百度贴吧
虎鲸T2C2(Tum..T2C2(Tumbo)是一只特别的虎鲸。 他天生残疾,患有脊柱侧弯,这种症状会导致他的脊柱弯曲,因为他的脊椎畸形,他的背鳍也从上到下弯曲了。
The Story of Tumbo – The Killer Whale with Scoliosis
2019年3月25日 · When you go whale watching off the shores of Victoria and south Vancouver Island, you may get a chance to see a very unique whale named Tumbo. Tumbo or T2C2 as he is scientifically named, has scoliosis which causes his spine to curve. Because his spine is deformed, he has a very wavy dorsal fin from top to bottom.
Bigg's Orcas - T2C's - Maya's Legacy Whale Watching
Known to researchers as T2C, this Bigg's (Transient) killer whale mother of four comes from a matriline of whales who have been seen in these waters for decades. Though they often spend their time around Campbell River, BC, we saw them in 2017 more often in the San Juan Islands than previous years.
【按头科普】北美西海岸野生虎鲸编码说明 - 哔哩哔哩
Bigg's虎鲸的名字一般是以不列颠哥伦比亚省沿海的特定地点命名,T2C2 Tumbo是以佐治亚州海峡Saturna岛附近的Tumbo岛命名。 T2C Tasu是以夏洛特皇后群岛 (Haida Gwaii)的Tasu Sound命名,T2C3 Lucy则是夏洛特皇后群岛北端的 Lucy Island 来命名。
Orca Watcher: Part 1: Meet the T2Cs
What makes this family so memorable is T2C2 Tumbo, who has scoliosis. Like several of his ancestors, this has led to him being physically deformed, although more severely, as he has a twisted spine. He tends to swim fairly slow, and is unlikely to be an efficient hunter. What is incredible is that his family has supported him to the age of 13.
T002C2 Tumbo | Killer Whale Wiki | Fandom
T002C2 "Tumbo" (pronounced TUM-bow) was a 15 year old male Bigg's transient killer whale. Tumbo was born in 2005 to T002C "Tasu". He was her second calf. Tumbo was named after Tumbo Island. When Tumbo was only a few years old, researchers noticed that he was beginning to develop scoliosis, or...
2018年3月17日 · T2C2, affectionately known as “Tumbo”, is a 12 year old male with scoliosis of the spine. This makes it difficult for him to keep up with the group and means he cannot participate in hunts.
i'm the future on Tumblr
Here’s a little in between commission I finished recently: a lineart drawing of a very special whale indeed. This is Tumbo, a transient killer whale living off British Columbia. His most remarkable feature is his severe scoliosis: his spine veers from left to right and back, leaving his body crooked and his dorsal fin swayed.
Bigg's Killer Whales on Instagram: "Meet T2C2, Tumbo We are …
Tasu (T2C) gave birth to her second son, Tumbo, in 2005. Like several of his relatives before him, Tumbo had a notable physical abnormality, scoliosis in his case.