T-34 - Wikipedia
When introduced, its 76.2 mm (3 in) tank gun was more powerful than many of its contemporaries, [8] and its 60-degree sloped armour provided good protection against anti-tank weapons. The T-34 had a profound effect on the conflict on the Eastern Front, and had a …
T-34 variants - Wikipedia
The T-34 medium tank is one of the most-produced and longest-lived tanks of all time. Identification of T-34 variants can be complicated. Turret castings, superficial details, and equipment differed between factories; new features were added in the middle of production runs, or retrofitted to older tanks; damaged tanks were rebuilt, sometimes ...
T-34M (A-43) Medium Tank Project - Military Factory
2019年2月4日 · The Soviet T-34 Medium Tank of World War 2 (1939-1945) fame became a classic combat vehicle of the period for its wartime showing and its sheer availability in numbers. Its value was such that it continued to see service well into the Cold War period (1947-1991) and influenced a slew of tank designs emerging then.
T-34坦克(英文:T-34 Medium Tank [1],俄文:T-34 ТАНК [2],),是 第二次世界大战 前由 苏联 哈尔科夫共产国际工厂设计师 米哈伊尔·伊里奇·科什金 领导设计的中型坦克。 T-34坦克战斗全重32吨,发动机功率500马力,最大公路速度55千米/小时,最大行程400千米,装备一门76毫米坦克炮,是一型火力、防护力和机动性都很突出的坦克 [3]。 从20世纪40年代到50年代,苏联一共生产了T-34系列坦克84070辆,其型号主要为两种:安装76.2毫米坦克炮的T-34/76坦克和安 …
Soviet T-34M tank - War History
2018年11月13日 · The T-34M (factory designation A-43) was a modernized version of the T-34, with features that would be seen in Soviet medium tanks several years after, like torsion bars, a 5 man crew, a commander’s cupola, a planetary gear transmission, and internal shock absorption.
2022年4月18日 · 一说起苏联的T-34中型坦克,很多人脑海中往往呈现的是漫山遍野的钢铁洪流,其实早在1941年以前T-34还是一款工艺水平较高的战争机器,当时苏联的资源和劳动力技能十分有限,要想实现坦克的大规模生产必须简化大量原有的设备并逐步形成稳定成熟型号,所以苏联人就将更多的精力放在提升坦克的火力、机动和防护上,至于其他的一切都可以被简化。 在这种思想下苏联人于1941年末期正式引入了T-34mod1942型,该坦克整体部件被大大简化,随之而来 …
T-34-85 - Tank Encyclopedia
2014年6月30日 · Medium Tank – 55,000 Built The Soviet response to the Panther. The T-34/76 was designed in 1940 as a multi-purpose vehicle, intended to take advantage of breakthroughs in enemy lines.
如何评价苏军二战的t-34中型坦克? - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
实际上,对于t34/76和t34/85,考虑到着两者在战争中所使用的时间,前者更符合理想的universal tank也就是全能坦克的设计,而后者随着对手和盟友坦克的更新换代,性能上的领先优势已经基本丧失(当然在同吨位的条件下,t34的性能还是出色的),但是凭借着其 ...
2020年5月12日 · T-34M型中型坦克长5.9米,宽2.75米,高2.3米,主炮为一门76MmF-34加农炮,战斗全重32吨,最大公路时速60千米每小时. T-34M型坦克干掉了占地方的克里斯蒂悬挂,使用了更加成熟而且不占地方的扭杆悬挂,提高了车体内部空间。 负重轮从原先的五对负重轮增加了一对成了6对负重轮,舒适性有所上升,因为取消克里斯蒂悬挂,所以车体内部空间更加宽松,纵向安装的500马力V2柴油发动机被换成了横向安装的600马力的V5柴油发动机,更换了更好的变 …
T-34M Requirements - Tank Archives
To increase the fighting performance of the T-34 I ask you to instruct the NKSM (factory #183) to produce two experimental tanks with a torsion bar suspension, widened turret platform, commander's cupola with all-round vision, and increased combat speed.