Carriage, Motor, 90mm Gun, T53 | FirearmCentral Wiki | Fandom
The Carriage, Motor, 90mm Gun, T53 (abbreviated as T53 GMC) is an American prototype self-propelled anti-aircraft vehicle developed on the M4 Medium Tank chassis. The T53 was developed as an equivalent to the German anti-aircraft vehicle armed with the 8,8cm Fla.K. 36, due to its effectiveness...
战场新星 美帝坦歼发展史 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2017年1月14日 · T1的底盘改装自克利夫兰拖拉机厂的7吨高速牵引车MG-2,全车总重11吨,安装一门M6型3英寸 (76.2mm)主炮,主炮有一片13mm厚的炮盾。 该车采用160匹马力的Hercules发动机。 T1的驾驶员和副驾驶坐在车的前方,仅有两小片装甲保护,行进过程中基本处于裸奔状态;但他俩的状态还是比其他乘员更好——其他乘员连坐的地方都没有。 坦克歼击车部队上将安德鲁·戴维斯·布鲁斯特别讨厌这个没有炮塔的计划,后期的测试也显露出该车的毛病:整车的稳定性 …
T55E1 gun motor carriage - Wikipedia
The T55E1 3-inch gun motor carriage was a prototype vehicle developed by the Allied Machinery Manufacturing Company in 1943 for the US Army. An eight-wheel drive vehicle, the T55E1 was armed with one three-inch gun in a limited traverse mounting and a …
M36前传——T53坦克歼击车 - 哔哩哔哩
2022年1月14日 · 1942年10月27日,T53改进后的版本被命名为90mm火炮运载车T53E1,批准生产 500 辆,并有可能再生产 3,500 辆。 T53E1的发动机和火炮互换了位置,车体后安装了支架以提高射击时的稳定性。
M4 Sherman variants - Wikipedia
90mm Gun Motor Carriage T53/T53E1 – 90mm gun mounted on M4A4 chassis. Design modified for dual anti-tank and anti-aircraft use as T53E1 with outriggers for stability. Order for 500 cancelled in 1944 after design rejected by both Tank Destroyer and AA branch of US Army. [7]
T53 90mm Gun Motor Carriage - HistoryOfWar.org
2017年2月16日 · On 27 October 1942 the modified version was designated as the 90mm gun motor carriage T53E1, and production of 500 was authorised, with the potential for another 3,500. The T53E1 was significantly different to the T53.
T53E1 Gun Motor Carriage : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2020年8月22日 · The original T53 GMC prototype. The "improved" T53E1, note the turret being mounted more centrally. Why should it be added, and where? The T53E1 GMC is something of an AA vehicle, and also an AT one, it is somewhat similar to the VFW, mounting a large gun on a relatively unarmored chassis.
二战美国“库克拦截者”,8×8的T55/E1轮式坦克歼击车 - 知乎
早在二战之前,美国联合机械制造公司就在30年代后期着手研发更强的轮式车辆,设计师提出了一种8×8的轮式多功能装甲车方案,不过直到1941年时,军方对这个项目都没有兴趣。 1942年时,装甲车的发展迎来了转机,当时军方提出一系列的装甲武器招标,其中就有坦克歼击车,设计师库克兄弟就以之前放弃的轮式装甲车为基础,设计制造了T55/E1轮式坦克歼击车。 最初的T55保留了原来装甲车大部分的结构,车体由前后两部分组成,动力为两台凯迪拉克V型发动机,单台输出 …
M36 Jackson 90 mm Gun Motor Carriage - wardrawings.be
T53 and the T53E1 are the first attempts to mount the anti-aircraft gun of 90 mm on an entirely tracked mounting. An order of 500 specimens was carried out then finally cancelled because of the low mobility, instability, the insufficient protection of the crew, the too high silhouette and the too light weight to take the recoil, of the prototype.
New US SPAA? - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年8月20日 · There even Flak cannon-vehicles like T53E1 GMC 90mm AA/AT. Most if not all are build and test