T54 (American tank) - Wikipedia
The T54 was a series of prototype American tanks of the 1950s with three different turrets, all armed with a 105 mm gun, mounted on the M48 Patton chassis. The T54 had a conventional turret with an autoloader with 3 shells, the T54E1 had an oscillating design with an autoloader, and the T54E2 had a conventional turret with a human loader. [2]
T54中型戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
T54中型戰車 (英語: 105mm Gun Tank T54)是 美國 於1950年代所研發的一系列原型中戰車,主要含有三個同樣使用 M48巴頓坦克 底盤,但安裝不同炮塔的版本;所有版本均裝備一門105毫米主炮。 最初的T54設計使用常規炮塔及一門自動裝填的105毫米炮;T54E1則使用了 搖擺式炮塔,同時裝備了自動裝彈機;而T54E2則使用了常規炮塔,但取消了自動裝彈機,回歸人力裝填。 T54E1的炮塔與T69的炮塔十分相似,兩者皆採用了搖擺式的設計,且組員均為三人。 T54E1 …
Carriage, Motor, 40mm Gun, T54E1 - FirearmCentral Wiki
The Carriage, Motor, 40mm Gun, T54E1 (abbreviated as T54E1 GMC) is an American prototype self-propelled anti-aircraft halftrack developed in 1942 from the T54 GMC. The T54E1 is an upgrade of the T54, with an armoured shield around the …
美国T54坦克 - 哔哩哔哩
T54中型战车(英语:105mm Gun Tank T54)是美国于1950年代所研发的一系列原型中战车,主要含有三个同样使用M48巴顿坦克底盘,但安装不同炮塔的版本;所有版本均装备一门105毫米主炮。 最初的T54设计使用常规炮塔及一门自动装填的105毫米炮;T54E1则使用了摇摆式炮塔,同时装备了自动装弹机;而T54E2则使用了常规炮塔,但取消了自动装弹机,回归人力装填。 T54E1的炮塔与T69的炮塔十分相似,两者皆采用了摇摆式的设计,且组员均为三人。 T54E1 …
T54E1 | War Thunder Wiki
The T54E1, officially 105 mm Gun Tank T54E1, is a premium American medium tank. It was introduced in Update 1.81 "The Valkyries". At first glance this tank looks very similar to the M48 and M103, since it's built on an M48 hull, but with a rather different turret.
《坦克世界》历史考证(五):M54变节者坦克 - 哔哩哔哩
2022年5月27日 · 1952年,t54e1方案提出, 该方案在于设计出能够适配105mm口径大炮的摇摆式炮塔,t54e1拥有相当好的正面装甲,炮塔装甲最厚处可达5英寸60度倾斜。t54e1采用了9发弹鼓式自动装弹机,t54e1取消了车长指挥塔,炮塔右侧为车长观察窗,左侧是巨大的弹药装填室舱口。
T54E1 — Tier IX American medium tank - Blitz Hangar
Average HP, Good DPM, Penetration 230, Damage 310, Reload time 14.63 (Auto-loader), Precise, Good gun depression, Good mobility, Good view range. All about the tank: hidden stats, armor, 3D model Blitz Hangar
T54E1 - Medium Tanks - USA - World Of Tanks Tank Compare
A medium tank with an oscillating turret and automatic loading. Developed on the basis of the M48 tank in the mid-50s. Two prototypes were built. However, during trials automatic loading proved faulty and the development was discontinued in 1957.
T54E1 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The T54 was a series of prototype American tanks of the 1950s with three different turrets, all armed with a 105mm gun, mounted on the M48 Patton chassis. The original T54 had a conventional turret with an autoloader, while the turret on T54E1 was of an oscillating design with an autoloader and the one on T54E2 was conventional with a human loader.
World of Tanks - tanks.gg
T54E1Tier IX American Heavy Tank Support. Stats. 3D Model. Compare. Modules. Show Loadout. IX. IX. IX. IX. X. AP ... Gun traverse range (°)-180 / 180. Turret traverse (°/sec) 37.55. Everything Else. Hull armor (mm) 152.4 / 76.2 / 38.1. Turret armor (mm) 127 / 69.9 / 50.8. Track armor (mm) 20 · · ...