These vehicles are considered the most sophisticated off-road, multi-purpose military tactical vehicles in use, and are capable of operating worldwide on primary and secondary roads, as well as on trails and cross-country in weather extremes from -50oF (-46oC) to +120oF (49oC).
It covers a family of diesel engine, automatic shift, all wheel driven trucks possessing the capability to haul 2.5 and 5 ton cargo requirements. This modern fleet is the backbone for all military requirements in logistical support.
LIN T61239 : TRUCK, TRACTOR, MTV, 5-TON, M1088
LIN T61239 : TRUCK, TRACTOR, MTV, 5-TON, M1088 . Number of associated NSN's: 9. Click here to view our complete list of LINs. Previous LIN T61171. TRUCK TRACTOR: MET 8X6 75000 GVW W/W C/S. Next LIN > T61298. TRANSITION UNIT/FRAME AUTOMATIC KEY DISTRIBUTION CENTER: HGF-93. NSN Nomenclature
M1088 6 x 6 5th Wheel 5-Ton FMTV Tractor - Eastern Surplus
EASTERN SURPLUS & EQUIPMENT CO. Toll Free: 1-855-332-0500 | Worldwide: (215) 332-0500
M1088 FMTV Tractor Truck - Memphisequipm
The M1088 is a 5-ton tractor truck with a cab over engine design, equipped with a double oscilating 5th wheel, approach plates, and air supply lines. This model is designed for efficiently pulling heavy trailer loads in tough off-road conditions.
2001 Stewart & Stevenson M1088A1 6x6 FMTV 5th Wheel Tractor
2001 Stewart & Stevenson M1088 6x6 FMTV 5th Wheel Tractor. Alternate NSN 2320-01-447-3893. 3-Man cab, Cab Over Engine. Cab air spring with integral dampers. Eastern Surplus & Equipment Co. will Fully Process the truck, checking and …
WarWheels.Net- M1088 6x6 5-Ton Tractor with 5th Wheel Index
The M1088 is the Medium Tactical Vehicle (MTV) 5-ton 6x6 tractor with 5th Wheel vehicle variant of the FMTV (Family of Medium Tactical Vehicle) series of US trucks. The vehicle was developed for line haul operations and can accommodate armored vehicles, construction equipment, defense missiles and semi-trailers.
2320-01-447-3893 W/E Mtv M1088a1 5T Tractor Truck 014473893 …
1997年8月5日 · 2320-01-447-3893 is a W/E Mtv M1088a1 5T Tractor Truck that does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application.
NSN: 2320-01-447-3893 (M1088A1 (MTV) TRUCK TRACTOR W/E ...
T61239 (TRUCK, TRACTOR, MTV, 5-TON, M1088) Manual: TM 9-2320-392-10-2. Family: FMTV / MTV Family. Manufacturers / Distributors / Merchants : Printable DA-2062 (Component Hand Receipt) Related Products. 2320-01-447-3892. M1089A1 (MTV) TRUCK WRECKER. 2320-01-447-3892. M1089A1 (MTV) TRUCK WRECKER W/W W/E.
2320-01-447-3900 - M1088A1 5T TRACTOR TRUCK, MTV, …
U.S. Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments, Command, Warren, MI 48397-5000. Vehicles, Military Trucks, Exceeding 2û 1/2 Ton Capacity. No special type of cargo code applicable. No special handling required. Heavy Lift (HL). Five short tons (10,000 lbs) or more.