28mm vs 35mm Lens Battle: The Great Debate for Photographers
2021年5月6日 · In the case of 28mm vs 35mm, go for the 35mm lens. Our Choice: 35mm. The thing about landscapes and cityscapes is that any lens can work. Capturing a vast scene is …
28mm Vs 35mm Lens. Choosing The Right One For You.
2024年2月14日 · Choosing between a 28mm and 35mm lens comes down to personal preference and the types of photography being pursued. Both lenses are perfectly capable of taking a …
该选哪一个?28mm与35mm的魅力与使用区别 | Knowledge #167
2024年12月5日 · 28mm和35mm镜头各自拥有不同的视角和魅力,根据场景和拍摄目的选择合适的镜头非常重要。 本文将介绍每种镜头的特点和实用方法,为从初学者到有经验的摄影师提供 …
Trifocal Lenses - Finestglasses.com
Trifocal lenses are similar to bifocals, except that the two focal areas are separated by a third middle area with intermediate focus correction, used forinter mediate vision, e.g. computer …
Trifocal Lenses - World Optic
Unlike the progressive lens the trifocal has a clear peripheral view with most materials, and also offers an intermediate visual range. The trifocal is offered in different segment sizes, which …
28mm vs 35mm as take anywhere lens (full frame)? - Reddit
2023年9月14日 · 28mm is lighter and more usefull for selfies. 35mm heavier but better in low light. Any feedback or advice on those two lenses? I really like the 35mm, as you're still able to take …
Tri-Focal Lenses: Flat-top 28mm - LensesRx.com
Trifocal lenses are similar to bifocals, except that the two focal areas are separated by a third middle area with intermediate focus correction, used for intermediate vision, e.g. computer …
35mm vs 28mm Focal Length Comparison - Lapse of the Shutter
2022年12月13日 · For street photography, when comparing the 35mm vs 28mm focal lengths, the 28mm is the better choice. For portraits, the 35mm lens comes out on top. For landscape …
Multifocal, Specialty & Occupational Lenses - Younger Optics
Seamless™ 28. The Younger Seamless lens was the first bifocal to offer the cosmetic benefits of being invisible, while attempting to correct some of the common dysfunctions of a segmented …
35 vs 28 + 50 - Leica M Lenses - Leica Forum
2019年7月19日 · 28 is usefully wider than 35 and on the edge of easily controllable perspective distortion. The 50 is a short but very useful tele in comparison. A perfect setup IMHO.