How can I get the T95/FV4201 Chieftain? - Arqade
2020年5月27日 · There's this rare tank in the game, T95/FV4201 Chieftain, which I often hear of as a "overpowered reward tank". However, many people including me don't really know how …
Why do the shape/fluid loaders have three levels? - Arqade
2024年9月15日 · Note: The "code" blocks are text that if you copy, you can directly paste into the game as a blueprint Each "layer" represents a layer of the factory floor; and all four lanes …
How to force Maximized Fullscreen mode in any game?
I have a simple AutoHotkey script that will force this mode for me. The script removes the window border and title bar of any window, and moves the window so that it fills the screen:
What vehicles are well-suited for each stage? - Arqade
2022年6月12日 · Tank 1727m; Dune Buggy 1602m; Monster Truck 1563m; Mountain. The Mountain stage works best with vehicles that are good at making short, steep climbs, and are …
What's the maximum height mobs can fall from without dying?
2013年1月14日 · Fall damage is calculated by the following formula:. Fall Damage = number of blocks - 3. 1 damage is half a heart. (As is 1 healt
mass effect 3 - How do I keep my fish from dying? - Arqade
2012年3月7日 · Commander Shepard is a busy spectre. Running around the galaxy, shooting reaper scum, and trying to save the day. So I don't begrudge her buying some fish to at least …
Can you breed fish in Minecraft? - Arqade
2019年1月21日 · No. You cannot breed Fish. There are no Baby Fish in Minecraft. Fish spawn naturally in Ocean Biomes, like passive mobs do on land.
How do I spawn potions with Command Blocks? - Arqade
2016年7月11日 · You have to use the command /summon.. Summons an entity (mobs, projectiles, items, vehicles, etc.). The entity for the Potion is called "ThrownPotion".
terraria - Best pre-Moon Lord armor? - Arqade
2021年5月10日 · The last major boss before the Moon Lord is Plantera, whose defeat causes Chlorophyte to begin to spawn, which (eventually) gives you access to the following:
Which stage is best for getting maximum coins? - Arqade
2014年8月4日 · Right as you start the level just thrust straight up until you reach about 1/4 on Fuel Tank. Just release and fall and you'll end up with 35,000 to 50,000 points within about 20 …