Miliary tuberculosis - Wikipedia
Miliary tuberculosis is a form of tuberculosis that is characterized by a wide dissemination into the human body and by the tiny size of the lesions (1–5 mm).
Miliary Tuberculosis - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2024年1月30日 · Miliary tuberculosis is a severe and disseminated form of tuberculosis (TB), a condition arising from Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Miliary TB occurs when the bacteria spread through the bloodstream, affecting multiple organs throughout the body.
Miliary tuberculosis | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
2024年5月18日 · Miliary tuberculosis represents hematogenous dissemination of uncontrolled tuberculous infection and carries a relatively poor prognosis. It is seen in primary and post-primary tuberculosis and may be associated with tuberculous infection in …
Tuberculosis miliar (TB) - Infecciones - Manual MSD versión para ...
La tuberculosis miliar es un tipo de tuberculosis potencialmente letal que tiene lugar cuando una gran cantidad de bacterias se desplazan por el torrente sanguíneo y se diseminan por todo el organismo. La tuberculosis es una infección contagiosa causada por una bacteria, transportada por el aire, denominada Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Miliary tuberculosis: A new look at an old foe - PMC
Miliary tuberculosis (TB), is a fatal form of disseminated TB characterized by tiny tubercles evident on gross pathology similar to innumerable millet seeds in size and appearance. Global HIV/AIDS pandemic and increasing use of immunosuppressive drugs have altered the epidemiology of …
Tuberculosis miliar - SciELO
En el caso de la tuberculosis miliar se produce la diseminación amplia de lesiones granulomatosas pequeñas al resto del cuerpo por vía hematógena o linfática, debido a una infección tuberculosa a través de un foco pulmonar primario que alcanza la circulación sistémica, donde produce compromiso en diversos órganos como hígado, bazo ...
TB Milier: Gejala, Penyebab, dan Pengobatan - Hello Sehat
2024年9月2日 · Tuberkulosis (TB) milier adalah jenis dari tuberkulosis (TBC) yang terjadi akibat penyebaran bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis dalam jumlah besar ke setiap organ tubuh. TB milier merupakan salah satu jenis TB ekstra paru yaitu kondisi saat bakteri tuberkulosis menyerang organ tubuh selain paru-paru.
Miliary Tuberculosis (TB) - Infections - MSD Manual Consumer Version
Miliary tuberculosis is a potentially life-threatening type of tuberculosis that occurs when a large number of the bacteria travel through the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. Tuberculosis is a contagious infection caused by the …
Miliary tuberculosis (TB) refers to clinical disease resulting from hematogenous dissemination of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The term "miliary" was coined in 1700 by John Jacobus Manget, who likened the appearance of the involved lung to millet seeds, with its surface covered with small, firm white nodules (picture 1).
Miliary TB: Symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatments, and more
2023年5月24日 · Miliary TB is a rare but serious form of tuberculosis (TB). It happens when a person inhales TB particles in the air, and those particles enter the bloodstream. This article...