The Dark Truth Behind The True Crime Community - Sites at Penn …
2021年4月29日 · The other part of the TCC is composed of troubled youth with an interest in gore, violence, and tragedy. This part of the community produces dark memes, making jokes about tragedy, and the bloodier the content the better it is received (Hayes, 2019). By posting this content they are normalizing the violent acts and disconnecting from reality.
'Columbiners' and 'TCC': A look at the Columbine-obsessed …
2019年4月19日 · LOS ANGELES - Two decades after the mass shooting at Columbine High School which left 12 students and one teacher dead, a subculture of young fans enthralled by the two teenage shooters and the...
TCC群体四大槽点:抽象崇拜、同人乱象等 - 百度贴吧
2024年8月29日 · 先不论“TCC”群体的二次元亚文化和Gore原本有什么关系,“TCC”群体对G向亚文化的宣扬和创作引以为豪,更有甚者将国内社交平台昵称带有Gore(骷髅头或十字架等)这是最令人无法解释的一点。
TCC圈子:美化罪犯的二创现象应被抵制 - 百度贴吧
2024年9月29日 · 萌化痞化本质上还是美化,向自己心中那个“萌萌地杀了所有人”“帅帅地杀了所有人”形象靠拢,最后收尾来几句厕言厕语就大成了. 跟gore性质类似? 犯罪/雪星视频能有二创本身就是很抽象的一件事. 我希望这类小圈子永远也别端到台面上来。 但是这类视频发到b站有二创同人作品就会推流,评论区不出意外的又是各种夸萌萌的评论了. 刷到过当时给我雷了一下,这都能有二创这不是罪犯吗? 前几天在微博刷恐惧厕看到个投稿,讲的是某重金属乐队主创zs。 一堆策 …
咱们tcc也是整上周..楼主是Dylan激推人小割割先狗叫自己还急了 【图片】咱们tcc也是整上周边了【gore吧】_百度贴吧 网页 资讯 视频 图片 知道 文库 贴吧 地图 采购
【gore/tcc】这个画手成分有点复杂 - 哔哩哔哩
My opinion on TCC - ☆° Kal °☆'s Blog - SpaceHey
Spacehey isn't the place for you if you think TCC is cool, or romanticizing murderers, gore, crime, etc. You can't just decide to be offended and create fake accounts and try to get people banned. Stop trying to get people banned, doing gore raids, spamming blogs, and more.
r/tcctruecrimecommunity - Reddit
r/tcctruecrimecommunity: Welcome back freaks. TCC content & discussions.
【TCC/GORE】雪鸮摸鱼合集一次赤个够 - 哔哩哔哩
Detecting TCC users on the site - ANTI-GOREPOSTERS OF
Seeing gore on the site can be really triggering, so heres how to detect TCC users: -Anyone who has a profile picture from Zero Day (here's a picture of the characters of Zero Day. If their pfp is a blonde character wearing a shirt that says Army, don't click on …
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