TDC2 full service Engineering Design & OSP Construction | High …
We are a leader in the Outside Plant Fiber Optic Telecommunications design field providing: field survey, feasibility studies, long haul, local fiber route design, permitting, project management, construction, and inspection services.
TDC2: A Community Platform for AI-driven Drug Discovery and …
Therapeutics Data Commons is a resource to access and evaluate AI methods, supporting the development of AI methods, with a strong bent towards establishing the foundation of which AI methods are most suitable for drug discovery applications and why.
Neuromodulators signal through astrocytes to alter neural …
2016年11月9日 · Tyramine and octopamine released from neurons expressing tyrosine decarboxylase 2 (Tdc2) signal directly to astrocytes to stimulate Ca 2+ increases through the octopamine/tyramine receptor...
About Us | TDC2 full service Engineering Design & OSP …
A Dallas-based company, TDC2, was created to provide the most cost-effective Outside Plant design services for the telecommunications community. Our mission is to provide the highest quality drafting and engineering services in a timely and professional manner.
色氨酸脱羧酶OsTDC1;tryptophan decarboxylase>>>RiceData - 国 …
TDC 是5-羟色胺合成的限速酶,5-羟色胺与叶片延缓衰老有关,在衰老过程中,它通过促进营养物质从衰老的叶片向库组织进行有效转运从而维持维管束薄壁细胞的细胞完整性(Kang et al. 2009)。 过表达色氨酸脱羧酶导致水稻生长迟缓、育性降低和血清素积累,且当血清素转化成血清素二聚体时,植株呈现暗褐色(Kanjanaphachoat et al. 2012)。 紫外线UV-B处理能上调5-羟色胺生物合成基因 OsTDC1 、 OsTDC3 和 OsT5H 表达(Sun et al. 2022)。 1.
Layered reward signalling through octopamine and dopamine in
2012年10月28日 · The Tdc2 gene encodes the neuronal TDC and a Tdc2-GAL4 construct (where GAL4 is cloned downstream of a Tdc2 promoter fragment) can be used to label and manipulate many of the octopamine...
TDC-2: Multimodal Foundation for Therapeutic Science | bioRxiv
2024年6月21日 · TDC-2 introduces 7 novel ML tasks with fine-grained biological contexts: contextualized drug-target identification, single-cell chemical/genetic perturbation response prediction, protein-peptide binding affinity prediction task, and clinical trial outcome prediction task, which introduce antigen-processing-pathway-specific, cell-type-specific, p...
TDC-2: Multimodal Foundation for Therapeutic Science
2024年6月12日 · TDC-2 introduces over 1,000 multimodal datasets spanning approximately 85 million cells, pre-calculated embeddings from 5 state-of-the-art single-cell models, and a biomedical knowledge graph.
TDC-2: Multimodal Foundation for Therapeutic Science - PMC
TDC-2 introduces over 1,000 multimodal datasets spanning approximately 85 million cells, pre-calculated embeddings from 5 state-of-the-art single-cell models, and a biomedical knowledge graph.
果蝇睡眠中光诱导唤醒的昼夜节律门控,Journal of Neurogenetics
表达酪氨酸脱羧酶 2 (TDC2) 的神经元的基因兴奋在夜间更明显地抑制睡眠,导致夜间活动。 唤醒效应可能部分是由章鱼胺能神经元的谷氨酸传输介导的,并且基本上被光掩盖了。 T12 周期(6 小时光照:6 小时黑暗)的应用进一步表明,TDC2 神经元的光敏感效应取决于一天中的时间。 特别是,通过视觉输入途径的光感应导致主观夜间的强烈睡眠抑制,并且这种效应在无时钟突变体中消失。 转基因图谱显示,光诱导的唤醒和自由运行的行为节律需要不同的昼夜节律起搏神经元 …
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