CEA Test: Carcinoembryonic Antigen Levels and Results
2021年11月15日 · As a type of tumor marker, CEA is an indicator of whether cancer is growing and spreading or diminishing with treatment. It is also known as a CEA assay, CEA blood test and carcinoembryonic antigen test. The patient may be tested before treatment to set a baseline level, then again during and after treatment. This article will cover:
Pemeriksaan CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen) - Halodoc
Pemeriksaan CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen) adalah tes yang digunakan untuk memeriksa seberapa baik pengobatan bekerja pada jenis kanker tertentu, terutama kanker usus. Antigen karsinoembrionik adalah protein yang diproduksi oleh beberapa jenis kanker.
CEA Test (Carcinoembryonic Antigen): CEA Cancer Marker Levels - WebMD
2022年8月17日 · Doctors don’t always see obvious signs of cancer growth after a diagnosis. They need to hunt for clues. One way they can do that is with a carcinoembryonic antigen test. It …
CEA Test: MedlinePlus Medical Test
What is a CEA test? CEA stands for carcinoembryonic antigen. CEA is a protein that is a type of " tumor marker." Tumor markers are substances that are often made by cancer cells or by normal cells in response to cancer. High levels of CEA are normal in healthy, unborn babies. After birth, CEA levels become very low or disappear completely.
CEA Blood Test: Purpose, Normal Range, and Results
2024年4月30日 · The Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) blood test is a diagnostic tool used to measure the level of CEA, a protein that can be elevated in certain types of cancer. This test is primarily associated with monitoring colorectal cancer but can also provide insights into other cancers and health conditions. Purpose of the CEA Blood Test.
Understanding The CEA Test in Colon Cancer - CancerConnect
2021年4月17日 · CEA is an antigen (small protein) that is found on the surface of colon, rectal, gastric and other types of cancer cells and high levels of CEA can be detected in the blood of …
Carcinoembryonic Antigen - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2024年12月11日 · Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a nonspecific serum biomarker that is elevated in many malignancies, including colorectal cancer, medullary thyroid cancer, breast cancer, and mucinous ovarian cancer.
Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) Blood Test: Uses and Results
2022年10月29日 · Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a tumor marker found in the blood or in other bodily fluids that can be used to monitor treatment for certain cancers. This article explains what the CEA test is, when it can be helpful in cancer treatment, and how to interpret its results.
CEA Test - Understand the Test & Your Results - MSD Manuals
What is a CEA test? CEA stands for carcinoembryonic antigen. CEA is a protein that is a type of " tumor marker ." Tumor markers are substances that are often made by cancer cells or by normal cells in response to cancer. High levels of CEA are normal in healthy, unborn babies. After birth, CEA levels become very low or disappear completely.
What Does A CEA Blood Test Tell You? - Walkin Lab
2023年9月3日 · CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen) is a protein often associated with certain types of cancer. While it is not a definitive diagnostic tool for cancer, the CEA blood test can help …