Transcription factor II D - Wikipedia
Transcription factor II D (TFIID) is one of several general transcription factors that make up the RNA polymerase II preinitiation complex. RNA polymerase II holoenzyme is a form of eukaryotic RNA polymerase II that is recruited to the promoters of protein -coding genes in living cells.
TFⅡD - 百度百科
第一个结合到启动子上的是TFⅡD。 这是一个由8~10个亚基组成的大蛋白。 这些亚基中的一个称为TATA结合蛋白(TBP),它与TATA框结合。 TBP在大多数真核生物中都有,其氨基酸序列在非常不同的生物中也相当保守。 这一事实表明了TBP的重要性和它在真核生物转录中的用途。 这种弯曲使DNA双链很容易分开,从而暴露出单链模板用于转录。 TFⅡD的其他亚基称为TBP相关因子(TAFⅡ)。 TAFⅡs结合到TBP上。 功能:结合到核心启动子元件上;与特异转录因子结合 …
真核生物的启动子与转录起始 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
TFIID是真核mRNA基因的核心启动子识别因子,是一个很大的组装体,分子量大于1 MD。 它包括TATA结合蛋白(TBP)和13-14个不同的TBP相关因子(TAF)。 TFIID识别DNA上的核心启动子区域,随后募集Pol II,TFIIH和Mediator复合物,组装前起始复合物。 TFIID结构与RNAP的募集。 Curr Opin Struct Biol. 2019. Mediator(中介体)也是一个分子量上兆的巨大复合物,参与PIC的募 …
Structure of promoter-bound TFIID and model of human pre …
2016年3月23日 · TFIID comprises the TATA-binding protein (TBP) and 13 TBP-associated factors (TAF1–13), which specifically interact with a variety of core promoter DNA sequences. Here we present the structure of...
Recent insights into the structure of TFIID, its assembly, and its ...
2020年4月1日 · TFIID is a large multiprotein assembly that serves as a general transcription factor for transcription initiation by eukaryotic RNA polymerase II (Pol II). TFIID is involved in the recognition of the core promoter sequences and neighboring chromatin marks, and can interact with gene-specific activators and repressors.
Structure of human TFIID and mechanism of TBP loading onto …
The general transcription factor IID (TFIID) is responsible for initially recognizing the core promoter. Human TFIID is a trilobed (lobes A, B, and C) complex composed of TATA box binding–protein (TBP) and 13 evolutionarily conserved TBP-associated factors (TAF1 to TAF13), with six TAFs present in two copies.
Structure and Function of the TFIID Complex - ScienceDirect
2004年1月1日 · This chapter focuses on the structure and function of transcription factor IID (TFIID) complex and proposes several functions of TFIID in transcription regulation. These roles include promoter recognition, co-activator function, and several enzymatic activities.
Structure of human TFIID and mechanism of TBP loading onto …
The general transcription factor IID (TFIID) is a critical component of the eukaryotic transcription preinitiation complex (PIC) and is responsible for recognizing the core promoter DNA and initiating PIC assembly. We used cryo-electron microscopy ...
院士点评Science丨新突破!徐彦辉团队全面揭示转录起始复合物的 …
DBE:TFIID结合模块(TFIID-binding element) 该项工作是近年来转录领域的重要突破,在分子水平上展示了高度动态的转录起始过程,为后续研究基因表达调控奠定了理论基础。
人类通用转录因子 TFIID 核心复合体的结构,Nature - X-MOL
2013年1月1日 · tfiid 是一种兆道尔顿大小的多蛋白复合物,由 tata 盒结合蛋白 (tbp) 和 13 个 tbp 相关因子 (taf) 组成。 尽管它起着至关重要的作用,但 TFIID 的详细架构和组装机制仍然难以捉摸。