TFT Meta Team Comps Tier List · Teamfight Tactics
Discover the best TFT team comps and builds in TFT's set 13.
TFT Meta Team Comps - The Best Comps & Builds in Set 13
Discover the most OP team comps in TFT Set 13. Augments, items, synergies & game plans for every meta comp. Step up your TFT game with Mobalytics!
Best TFT Meta Comps & Builds - Set 13 [Patch 13.8]
Discover the best TFT Team Comps & Builds to play in the current meta. Positioning & Levelling guides, Most OP Items, Augments & End Game Options. Up to date for Patch 13.8 - TFT Set 13.
TFT Team Comps, Overlay, and Database · TFTactics.gg
Play smarter and climb the ranks in TFT with constantly updated item guides, team recommendations, and deep champion stat analysis. Now available as an in-game overlay! Get in-depth analysis after every match to see what you did right and which areas to improve on.
TFT Meta, Stats, Comps, Match History and more ... - tactics.tools
In depth stats, analytics, match history, team builder, and various other tools you need to master Teamfight Tactics Set 13.
云顶之弈元、TFT 阵容、出装、统计数据 - MetaTFT.GG
MetaTFT.GG 是一个提供《云顶之弈》数据、指南和策略的平台,包括最新的 云顶之弈元 和 TFT 阵容。它还提供比赛历史统计数据和查询功能。
TFT Set 13 - 第13赛季协同指南 - TFT.OP.GG
被动: 攻击被替换为死亡射线,在2格长的直线上造成 [ 75 / 300 / 2400 ] () 魔法伤害和 [ 25 / 90 / 1000 ] 真实伤害。 主动: 召唤一团混沌风暴席卷战场,将全体敌人击飞至空中 [ 2 / 3 / 30 ]秒。 持续时长结束时,将敌人猛击至地面,对其造成 [ 175 / 700 / 9999 ] () 外加其 [ 3 / 10 / 100 ]% 最大生命值的魔法伤害。 冲刺至一个附近的格子,然后获得 [ 300 / 600 / 10000 ] 护盾值并为2个附近的友军提供等额的护盾值。 这些护盾格挡的50%伤害会被储存为不稳定能量。 在冲刺后,对3个附 …
阵容 - TFT Mastery
访问适用于所有地区和等级的最佳 tft 阵容。找到最新的元阵容,主宰您的《云顶之弈》游戏,量身定制您的等级和地区。
TFT Meta Stats - Best Team Comps & Builds for Set 13 Patch 13.8
In depth stats, analytics, match history, team builder, and various other tools you need to master Teamfight Tactics Set 13.
Meta Team Comps, Builds, Guides, and Stats - TFT.OP.GG
Discover the latest TFT meta trends, best team comps, builds, and guides at TFT.OP.GG. Track your match history and improve your gameplay stats.