tga技术常常用来检测有质量变化的化学反应。典型的重量损失台阶约有100°c宽 (1%~99% 的转化率)。该台阶常常慢慢的从初始水平tga曲线上开始。拐点在约60%的转化率时。在反应 结束时曲率半径略小于反应开始时的值(见图1a)。
Application and limitations of thermogravimetric analysis to …
2020年11月30日 · Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is frequently used to define the threshold of acceptable processing temperatures for hot melt extrusion. Herein, evaluation of chemical stability of amorphous drug and polymer systems was assessed by a critical evaluation of TGA nonisothermal and isothermal methods.
Thermogravimetric analysis - Wikipedia
Thermogravimetric analysis or thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) is a method of thermal analysis in which the mass of a sample is measured over time as the temperature changes.
In the following pages, we answer common questions about what a TGA is, how they work, and what they tell you. Common Questions about TGA. What is TGA? What is the difference between the TGA 8000 and TGA 4000? How is a TGA Thermal Curve displayed? What does a TGA Thermal Curve look like? What can we learn from this TGA Thermal Curve?
【求助】DSC中“Onset temperature”的意义_仪器信息网社区
2011年4月15日 · 本人是DSC新手,梅特勒工程师告诉我“Onset temperature”就是代表物质的熔点,熔点是有个熔程,我一直认为Onset temperature就是代表初始温度,endset temperature 代表终熔,结果工程师告诉我在DSC曲线中看不出物质的熔程,对于这个我不是很理解,求助各位老师
2010年4月13日 · 一般就是画切线,取交点(Onset)作为该反应明显发生温度点;或者,按某些行业习惯取某一失重百分率的对应温度点。 你的图不能正常显示,建议你再上传一下。
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) - Chemistry LibreTexts
2022年8月22日 · Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) & Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC): Slideshow with information about the TGA. Includes figures on classification of curves, how balance works, analyis of curves, effects of heat rate, shifts caused by heat rate, etc.
What TGA Can Tell You? Decomposition: The breaking apart of chemical bonds. Evaporation: The loss of volatiles with elevated temperature. Reduction: Interaction of sample to a reducing atmosphere (hydrogen, ammonia, etc). Desorption. Oxidation: Interaction of the sample with an oxidizing atmosphere. Absorption or Adsorption.
How can I interpret a TGA graph? - ResearchGate
2015年4月3日 · You have to read following key parameters in TGA: The atmosphere in which your reaction is taking place, i.e, air, nitrogen, oxygen etc., IDT (or onset): Initial decomposition temperature is...
TGA measures the amount and rate (velocity) of change in the mass of a sample as a function of temperature or time in a controlled atmosphere. The measurements are used primarily to determine the thermal and/or oxidative stabilities of materials as …