TGF β 信号转导 | Cell Signaling Technology
转化生长因子 β (tgf-β) 超家族信号转导在众多生物系统中对细胞生长、分化和发育的调节发挥重要作用。 一般而言,信号转导起始于配体诱导的丝氨酸/苏氨酸受体激酶寡聚化和胞浆信号转导分子的磷酸化,这些信号转导分子在 TGF-β/活化素通路中是 Smad2 和 Smad3 ...
Inhibition of JNK Enhances TGF-β1-Activated Smad2 Signaling
Our results demonstrate that inhibition of the JNK pathway promotes TGF-β1-driven Smad2 responses in lung branching morphogenesis. These data suggest that the JNK pathway may antagonize...
MAPK Phosphatase-5 is required for TGF-β signaling through a JNK ...
2024年6月27日 · We utilize RNA sequencing to identify a set of TGF-β activators regulated by MKP-5/JNK, further elucidating the molecular mechanisms of regulation. This study elucidates a novel mechanism whereby MKP-5-mediated JNK inactivation is required for TGF-β signaling and provides insight into the role of MKP-5 in fibrosis. Results
Non-Smad pathways in TGF-β signaling | Cell Research - Nature
2008年12月30日 · Although TGF-β induces JNK/p38 activation independently of Smad activation, the TRAF6-TAK1-JNK/p38 cascade functions in conjunction with the Smad-dependent pathway to regulate downstream...
JNK-Dependent cJun Phosphorylation Mitigates TGFβ- and …
2019年11月21日 · Hyper-phosphorylation of cJun by JNK strongly inhibited its ability to induce several Jun/Fos-regulated genes and to promote migration and invasion. These results show that MEK-AP-1 and JNK-phospho-cJun exhibit distinct pro- and anti-invasive functions, respectively, through differential regulation of Smad- and AP-1-dependent TGFβ target genes.
The role of JNK signaling pathway in organ fibrosis
2024年10月2日 · JNK is involved in the TGF-β pathway, which plays an important part in cell activation, proliferation, and immune regulation. Evidence indicates that JNK can regulate the TGF-β signaling cascade through various mechanisms, including phosphorylation of Smads [41].
TGF‐β induces fibronectin synthesis through a c‐Jun N‐terminal …
1999年3月1日 · The direct activation of JNK kinase activity by TGF‐β, the ability of activated MEKK1 to stimulate TGF‐β‐responsive reporter constructs and the ability of a dominant‐negative form of JNK1 to block TGF‐β‐stimulated reporter induction all indicate that JNK kinases play a role in TGF‐β‐stimulated gene induction.
Regulation of the JNK pathway by TGF-beta activated kinase 1 in ...
c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) contributes to metalloproteinase (MMP) gene expression and joint destruction in inflammatory arthritis. It is phosphorylated by at least two upstream kinases, the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases (MEK) MKK4 and MKK7, which are, in turn, phosphorylated by MEK kin …
Jun N-terminal kinase 1 regulates epithelial-to-mesenchymal …
2008年4月1日 · Transforming growth factor beta1 (TGF-beta1) is a cardinal cytokine in the pathogenesis of airway remodeling, and promotes epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). As a molecular interaction between TGF-beta1 and Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) has been demonstrated, the goal of this study was to elu …
In Jnk cells, this DNA segment of autocrine TGF- signaling in the JNK-regulated binds much less c-Jun than in wild-type cells, but now changes in cell behavior. binds Smad3 and Smad4, a consequence of increased TGF- 1 expression and resulting autocrine TGF- 1 sig-Secreted TGF- -related factors play key roles in devel- naling.