Homepage - THG
The largest pure-play online beauty retailer bringing together global online multi-brand retail, subscription boxes, owned prestige brands along with production and innovation. The world's largest online sport nutrition brand, which continues to expand into adject categories of the global wellness market through its family of sub-brands.
THG - 浴室与生活的艺术 — THG
Founded in 1956, THG Paris is a French company specialising in the design and manufacture of luxury bathroom fittings and accessories. A truly global luxury brand with a brand presence in over 60 countries, THG Paris has eight showrooms worldwide, including Paris, Moscow, New York, Shanghai, Dubai and most recently Milan and London plus a new ...
Your Ecommerce Solutions Provider for Growth - THG Ingenuity
Discover THG Commerce – the ecommerce service provider of choice for brands seeking accelerated speed-to-value on a global scale. Offering technology, marketing and operations covering all you need to achieve your brand's ambitions.
THG plc - Wikipedia
THG plc, formerly The Hut Group, is a British e-commerce retail company headquartered in Manchester, England. It sells own-brand and third-party cosmetics and dietary supplements online. In January 2025, it demerged its technology and logistics arm, Ingenuity, into a separately owned stand alone business.
THG - 百度百科
THG at a Glance - THG
Since 2004, we’ve been transforming how brands connect to consumers online, creating seamless shopping experiences for millions of people all over the world. THG operates as two distinct businesses - THG Beauty and THG Nutrition – …
Results & Presentations - THG
Questions regarding Investor Relations can be emailed to [email protected] or by clicking the button below.
【论文解读 WWW 2020 | HGT】Heterogeneous Graph Transformer
2020年3月24日 · 本文提出异质图转换架构(Heterogeneous Graph Transformer, HGT),用于建模Web-scale的异质图。 并且无需人工构建元路径。 为了对异质的节点和边进行建模,作者设计了和节点类别、边类别有关的参数,来表征在每个边上的异质性的注意力。 这使得HGT可以为不同类型的节点和边生成专用的表示。 HGT还 可以处理动态的异质图。 作者在HGT中引入 相对时间编码技术,可以捕获到任意时间段内的动态结构依赖关系。 为了能够处理Web-scale的图数据,还 …
二次谐波(SHG)和三次谐波(THG)激光 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2024年10月9日 · 二次谐波(second harmonic generation,SHG,两个光子变成一个光子)和三次谐波(third harmonic generation ,THG,三个光子变成一个光子)。 原子对之间的化学键(称为偶极)在特定的频率(波长、能级)下共振。
THG PLC, THG:LSE summary - FT.com - Financial Times
Latest THG PLC (THG:LSE) share price with interactive charts, historical prices, comparative analysis, forecasts, business profile and more.