急性单核白血病细胞系THP-1细胞MLL-AF9融合基因沉默对p27表 …
目的 研究急性单核细胞白血病细胞系THP-1细胞MLL-AF9融合基因沉默对p27表达及转录调控的影响.方法 选择THP-1细胞特有的MLL-AF9融合基因为靶基因,设计并俣成MLL-AF9小干扰RNA(siRNA)片段.应用脂质体转染.方法 将MLL-AF9 siRNA导入细胞,通过流式细胞术检测siRNA转 …
Cytogenetic and molecular analysis of the acute monocytic ... - PubMed
Here we report the cytogenetic analysis of the THP-1 cell line using G-banding, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and spectral karyotyping (SKY), and the molecular characterization of the MLL-AF9 rearrangement by RT-PCR. The THP-1 cell line was established from the peripheral blood of a 1-year-old boy with acute monocytic leukemia (AML ...
MLL-AF9 and MLL-AF4 oncofusion proteins bind a distinct
2017年1月23日 · In order to define a core set of MLL rearranged targets, we investigated the genome-wide binding of the MLL-AF9 and MLL-AF4 fusion proteins and associated epigenetic signatures in acute myeloid...
摘要:第一部分: 目的: 从急性单核白血病细胞系THP-1中克隆出MLL-AF9融合基因断裂点序列,并对其进行序列测定分析。 方法: 利用RT-PCR方法从急性单核白血病细胞系THP-1中扩增出MLL-AF9融合基因断裂点附近序列,并用T-A克隆方法将其克隆至T载体上,经酶切鉴定后,进行序列测定分析。 结果:从急性单核白血病细胞系THP-1克隆出了MLL-AF9断裂点附近序列,大小为528bp,测序后示MLL基因断裂点位于外显子9,与AF9基因外显子5发生融合。 结论:本实验 …
RNAi-mediated silencing of MLL-AF9 reveals leukemia-associated ...
The translocation t(9;11)(p22;q23) leading to the leukemogenic fusion gene MLL-AF9 is a frequent translocation in infant acute myeloid leukemia (AML). This study aimed to identify genes and molecular processes downstream of MLL-AF9 (alias MLL-MLLT3) which could assist to develop new targeted therapies for such leukemia with unfavorable prognosis.
MLL-AF9 oncogene expression affects cell growth but not terminal ...
2003年11月27日 · The MLL-AF9 oncogene - one of the most frequent MLL/HRX/ALL-1 rearrangements found in infantile and therapy-related leukaemias - originates from t(9;11)(p22;q23) and is mainly associated with monocytic acute myeloid leukaemia (AML-M5; FAB-classification). Here, we investigated the MLL-AF9 function b …
MLL-AF9 and MLL-AF4 oncofusion proteins bind a distinct …
In order to define a core set of MLL rearranged targets, we investigated the genome-wide binding of the MLL-AF9 and MLL-AF4 fusion proteins and associated epigenetic signatures in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cell lines THP-1 and MV4-11.
Down-regulation of MLL-AF9, MLL and MYC expression is not
MLL fusion proteins (including MLL-AF9) deregulate MYC transactivation activity, and both presence and absence of MYC down-regulation have been reported during monocyte-macrophage maturation in THP-1 cells.
MLL-AF9融合基因siRNA抑制THP-1细胞生长:影响及Hox基因研究 …
2024年9月3日 · 本文采用 rnai 技术特异性抑制白血病细胞系 thp-1 中 mll-af9 融合基因,检测 mll 基 因下游靶基因 Hoxa9 、 Hoxa7 、 Hoxa5 和 Meis1 等表达水平改变情况,并与干扰 Cos 细胞系
致 白血病融合基因 MLL-AF9 通过miR-511抑制改变microRNA表达 …
我们在人类单细胞aml细胞系thp1中进行了内源性mll-af9的特异性和高效敲除。 敲低相关的miRNA表达谱揭示了21个MLL-AF9依赖性表达的miRNA。 对靶基因的基因本体分析表明,这些miRNA通过靶向转录调节剂以及参与许多对白血病维持重要的功能(如髓样分化,细胞周期和干 ...