THQ - Wikipedia
THQ Inc. was an American video game company based in Agoura Hills, California. It was founded in April 1990 by Jack Friedman, originally in Calabasas, and became a public company the following year through a reverse merger takeover.
THQ Is Dead. Here's Where Its Games Are Going - WIRED
2013年1月23日 · After entering Chapter 11 bankruptcy and launching a bid to keep the company together by selling out to a single bidder, THQ saw its game development studios and properties sold off individually...
4年时间,这家游戏公司从美国第三走向了破产 _ 游民星空 …
2018年12月24日 · 2013年1月24日,曾经是北美第三大的游戏厂商THQ惨遭“分尸”,其状况之惨烈让人不忍直视,无数大中小的游戏厂商齐聚一堂,将THQ旗下数百个游戏IP被分解蚕食。 这里可以说说有哪些著名IP和著名厂商。 世嘉,获得了《英雄连》的后续开发权和工作室Relic (水雷社),虽然花了2660万美元,但也算是物有所值。 Crytek,获得《国土防线》的IP和或许开发权,Koch Media获得《地铁》系列的IP,Take-Two获得《Evolve》的IP和开发。 当然,浓眉大眼 …
THQ gets approval for its liquidation plan, officially ending ...
2013年7月17日 · That's what finally happened yesterday, after a US court approved THQ's liquidation plan, thus ending the former publishers bankruptcy case. It was back in December that THQ sought court...
A History Of THQ, 1989-2013 - Kotaku
2013年1月23日 · Yesterday, we learned that the video game publisher THQ is sitting on 1.4 million unsold copies of… By 2011, in no small part due to the losses suffered from the uDraw, the retreat was in full...
THQ is officially dead, its games and talent auctioned off
2013年1月23日 · It's a sad day for video game fans, as THQ, the California-based video game developer and publisher founded in 1989, is officially kaput. It's been more than a month since the company filed for...
从1990到2019:THQ的崛起、衰亡与新生 - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
从1990年到2019年,从美国THQ到奥地利THQ Nordic,在近30年的时光中,它经历了崛起、衰亡与新生,这或许是游戏业里常写常有的剧情,但在经历了意外的版权更迭和接连不断的收购案之后,我们也十分好奇,这个神奇的故事还会怎样发展下去。
THQ 破产的原因是什么?怎么看对传统单机游戏产业的未来?
其实 thq 的游戏我玩得不多,但是对 thq 的印象还不错,游戏质量上乘。 但是她就这样破产了,有点桑感。 大神们分析下 THQ 破产的原因以及对传统的…
Gaming’s Unplayed Level: What Happened to THQ?
2023年12月9日 · THQ, a major player in the video game industry, once renowned for its hit franchises like Saints Row and Darksiders, faced a dramatic downfall. The company filed for bankruptcy in 2012, triggering a series of events that led to …
THQ died - what about their games? :: Help and Tips - Steam …
2013年1月24日 · Will THQ games still be sold on steam? If not, then when will they be removed (estimate?). I still need to buy Darksiders II + dlcs, some Space Marine dlcs and Path to War dlc.