THQ 2001 Logo Intro (Remastered) - YouTube
The 2001 THQ logo intro features an animation showing the logo in 3D, which consists of three letters T, H and Q merging into a single shape. The camera zooms in on the logo while a resonating...
THQ old intro - YouTube
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THQ (PSX) - Logo Intro - YouTube
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THX Deep Note – Our legendary sound
It is the deeply resonant chord that plays at the start of any THX Certified performance. The THX Deep Note was composed by Lucasfilm sound engineer Dr. James ‘Andy’ Moorer and was …
THQ Logo Animation : THQ : Free Download, Borrow, and …
2004年8月3日 · The animation for THQ ripped from the Spongebob Squarepants Movie Game for PS2
THQ/Logo Variations - Audiovisual Identity Database
The screen cuts to a shot where the motorcycle preforms a fly trick, with a THQ logo in the background on a post. The motorcycle lands and keeps driving, carrying and tracking mud in the process. The mud splatters onto the screen and forms the THQ logo, which gradually gains its color, removing the mud. Everything in the background then turns ...
THQ - Audiovisual Identity Database
THQ (" T oy H ead- Q uarters") was an American developer and publisher founded in 1989 by LJN co-founder Jack Friedman. In 1990, THQ acquired the video game division of Brøderbund Software and released its first game Peter Pan and the Pirates (based on the Fox Kids TV series of the same name) in 1991.
#thq intro on Tumblr
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THQ编年史 两个轮回见证一代游戏巨人的兴衰! - 游戏杂谈区
2013年1月24日 · THQ的第一部游戏叫做《彼得·潘与海盗》(Peter Pan and the Pirates),于1991年发售。 THQ在电子游戏方面做的十分出色,以至于1994年他们彻底放弃了玩具生意(一些根据《小鬼当家》电影制作的手办和桌游),并全身心投入到发行电子游戏上面。 早年THQ发行的比较有名的游戏有任天堂版本的《自由搏击》(Pit Fighter)和《暴力摩托》。 不同于其它同行业的竞争对手 -- 他们在90年代中期开始在新主机如PS,世嘉土星,N64上发售游戏,THQ则和开 …
THQ | Nickelodeon | Fandom
THQ Inc. (currently known as THQ Nordic) was a North American developer and publisher of video games. Founded in 1989 in the United States, the company developed products for video game consoles, handheld game consoles, as well as …