THQ - Wikipedia
THQ Inc. was an American video game company based in Agoura Hills, California.It was founded in April 1990 by Jack Friedman, originally in Calabasas, and became a public company the following year through a reverse merger takeover.Initially working in the toy business, it expanded into the video game business through several acquisitions before shifting its …
【游戏厂商】从THQ到THQ Nordic,一个游戏大厂的前世今生 - 哔 …
1990年,美国商人杰克弗德曼(Jack Friedman)投资100万,在加州成立了Toy Head-Quarters(玩具总部),这就是THQ的前身。 早期的THQ并不是家游戏公司,因为它的创立者杰克弗德曼,几十年来一直做的是玩具生意,之所以会创建THQ,还是因为他上家公司LJN(死亡彩虹 ...
从1990到2019:THQ的崛起、衰亡与新生 - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
2011年启用的THQ标志. 丨 往日辉煌. THQ的创始人杰克·弗里德曼(Jack Friedman),原本是玩具制造兼游戏发行商LJN公司的联合创始人,后来LJN被Acclaim公司收购,弗里德曼便决定另起炉灶,在美国加州成立了THQ公司,THQ是“Toy Headquarters”一词的简称。
4年时间,这家游戏公司从美国第三走向了破产 _ 游民星空 …
2018年12月24日 · 自此,创始人杰克佛德曼将公司改名THQ(Toy Head-Quarters),正式进军游戏行业。 大多数了解过THQ之后的游戏的玩家,比如《黑道圣徒》《英雄连》《暗黑血统》等等游戏,或许会认为这是一个专注于成年人游戏的开发商,但其实并非如此。 在进入游戏行业后,THQ ...
从THQ到THQNordic,一个游戏大厂的前世今生 | 机核 GCORES
1990年,美国商人杰克弗德曼(Jack Friedman)投资100万,在加州成立了Toy Head-Quarters(玩具总部),这就是THQ的前身。 早期的THQ并不是家游戏公司,因为它的创立者杰克弗德曼,几十年来一直做的是玩具生意,之所以会创建THQ,还是因为他上家公司LJN(死亡彩虹 ...
【发行商周末】THQ Nordic的故事,从破产到重生 - 哔哩哔哩
THQ早期LOGO. THQ于1994年正式退出玩具业,完成了从玩具公司到游戏发行商的重要转变。之后又收购了一些工作室,从1994年到新世纪前,THQ发布了大量游戏,如在1997年发布了获得美国职业摔角联盟授权的著名摔角游戏《WCW Nitro》,甚至还在1999年发布了《FIFA 2000》的GBC版本,1999年在N64上发布的《暴力 ...
THQ | THQ Wiki | Fandom
THQ Inc. was an American video game developer and publisher. Founded in 1989, the company developed products for home video game consoles and handhelds, personal computers and mobile devices. Its name derived from "Toy Headquarters" during its time as a toy manufacturer in the early 1990s. THQ had offices in North America, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. The company published both ...
2018年12月21日 · 自此,创始人杰克佛德曼将公司改名 THQ(Toy Head-Quarters) ,正式进军游戏行业。 大多数了解过THQ之后的游戏的玩家,比如 《黑道圣徒》《英雄连》《暗黑血统》 等等游戏,或许会认为这是一个专注于成年人游戏的开发商,但其实并非如此。
THQ - Audiovisual Identity Database
Background. THQ ("Toy Head-Quarters") was an American developer and publisher founded in 1989 by LJN co-founder Jack Friedman. In 1990, THQ acquired the video game division of Brøderbund Software and released its first game Peter Pan and the Pirates (based on the Fox Kids TV series of the same name) in 1991. That same year, THQ was acquired by Trinity Acquisition Corporation.
THQ Inc. - MobyGames
2011年1月12日 · THQ Inc. was a large developer and publisher of games. THQ (short for Toy Head-Quarters), was originally founded as Trinity Acquisition Corporation in New York (USA) in 1989. The company was reincorporated in Delaware in 1997 after the name had previously been changed to T.HQ, Inc. in 1991 through a merger with T.HQ, Inc., a California corporation.