Electronic properties and the phonon band structure of PbTe
2018年6月1日 · The phonon dispersion of the system gives a very large splitting between the Transverse Optic (TO) branch and Longitudinal Optic (LO) branch at the Γ-point, 2.16 THZ, due to the ionic charge effect of the PbTe system, indicating that it’s a strong polar solid.
Terahertz emission spectroscopy of coherent phonons excited in n-PbTe …
We report the THz emission spectroscopy for the coherent phonons excited in n-PbTe with high carrier concentration. PbTe has a NaCl-like crystal structure and only IR-active phonon modes, namely, the transverse optical (TO) mode at 0.95 THz and …
Terahertz Cavity Phonon Polaritons in Lead Telluride in the Deep …
2025年1月18日 · We found that THz transverse optical (TO) phonons in PbTe films [BaydinEtAl2022PRL, KawahalaEtAl2023C] can strongly couple with THz photons in small-mode-volume metasurface (MS) cavities. We performed THz time-domain spectroscopy (TDS) measurements on several PbTe films with different thicknesses in MS cavities.
The room-temperature thermoelectric property of PbTe …
2022年2月10日 · In order to obtain excellent thermoelectric property of PbTe at room temperature, the most effective approach so far has been reducing the phonon thermal conductivity while maintaining the electronic performance. Based on the first-principles calculation, the scattering mechanisms of electrical transport and thermal transport are clarified.
Here, we present a high-sensitivity, broadband-response, and high-speed RT THz detection strategy by utilizing a deep subwavelength metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) structure. The spontaneously formed 2DEG at the CdTe/PbTe interface provides a superior transport channel characterized by high carrier concentration, low scattering, and high mobility.
Strong phonon localization in PbTe with dislocations and large
2019年10月4日 · Here we perform non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation to study phonon transport in PbTe crystal with dislocations by excluding boundary scattering and strain coupling effect. The...
Dynamically Tunable Terahertz Emission Enabled by Anomalous …
2021年11月22日 · This paper reports measurements of terahertz (THz) radiation from a PbTe single crystal following ultrafast optical excitation and investigates IR-active phonon responses as a function of excitation fluence and temperature.
However, our study on graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) within a lead telluride (PbTe) matrix, along with an extensive review of 18 composites, reveals that such additions can lead to a significant decrease in thermal conductivity. This reduction is attributed to a decrease in phonon velocity, as seen by measuring the sound velocity , which.
Magnetic Control of Soft Chiral Phonons in PbTe
2022年2月15日 · PbTe crystals have a soft transverse optical phonon mode in the terahertz frequency range, which is known to efficiently decay into heat-carrying acoustic phonons, resulting in anomalously low thermal conductivity. Here, we studied this phonon via polarization-dependent terahertz spectroscopy.
Anharmonic coherent dynamics of the soft phonon mode of a PbTe …
2023年12月27日 · We investigate the ultrafast optical response of PbTe to an intense single-cycle terahertz pulse, resonant with the soft transverse optical (TO) phonon mode of the crystal. We detect multifrequency oscillations of the reflectance anisotropy, which we associate with nonlinear motion of the TO phonon oscillator excited directly by the terahertz ...