TI-89 Titanium graphing calculator - Education Technology
Experience the versatility of TI-89 Titanium graphing calculator. 3D graphing—Built-in CAS—Preloaded apps. Perfect for advanced math, physics and engineering.
TI-89 series - Wikipedia
The TI-89 is a graphing calculator developed by Texas Instruments in 1998. The unit features a 160×100 pixel resolution LCD and a large amount of flash memory, and includes TI's …
TI-89 Online Simulator
Use a TI-89 online with your Desktop, Tablet, or Mobile. Utilize web-based convenience by having access to a TI-89 online at any moment with the device of your choosing. This website …
TI-89 Titanium 图形计算器 - 德州仪器 - 中国 - Texas Instruments
通过使用TI和Vernier Software&Technology的兼容传感器,用CBL 2™系统导入数据,通过测量运动,温度,光,声音,力度等,了解数学和科学在现实世界中的呈现形式。 CBL 2™. CBR …
Texas Instruments TI-89 Titanium Graphing Calculator …
2003年10月2日 · The TI-89 Titanium lets you perform basic math, algebra, calculus, graphs, matrices, and statistical functions and creating animations, graphing 3-D rotations, and plotting …
- 评论数: 2538
TI-89 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
TI-89是德州仪器公司于1998年开发的一款图形计算器。 该图形计算器配有160×100像素分辨率的 液晶屏 和 闪存。 TI-89 Titanium作为TI-89的后继者于2004年夏天发布。
TI-89 Titanium guidebook - Texas Instruments
The TI-89 Titanium guidebook by Texas Instruments provides detailed instructions and tips for using the graphing calculator.
TI-89系列 - 计算器百科 - calcwiki.org
TI-89 Titanium于2004年夏季发布,是TI-89的升级换代版本。 相比于初代TI-89,TI-89 Titanium采用了更大的闪存(4MB,2.7MB用户可用),并采用了更为流线型的外观和椭圆形按键,以及 …
Texas Instruments TI-89 Titanium Graphing Calculator
2014年6月25日 · Texas Instrument Ti 89 Titanium Programmable Graphing Calculator Scientific Calculator with Graph Functions for College and High School Students, Engineering, …
- 4.5/5(125)
Texas Instruments Titanium TI-89 CAS Graphing Calculator,
Solve equations faster during exams or everyday work with this Texas Instruments TI-89 Titanium graphing calculator. Perform complex calculations with this battery-powered graphing …