TIROS-1 - Wikipedia
TIROS-1 (or TIROS-A) was the first full-scale weather satellite (the Vanguard 2 satellite was the first experimental/prototype weather satellite), the first of a series of Television Infrared Observation Satellites (TIROS) placed in low Earth orbit.
TIROS - Science@NASA
2023年8月17日 · tiros-1 Objectives: To test experimental television techniques designed to develop a worldwide meteorological satellite information system. To test Sun angle and horizon sensor systems for spacecraft orientation.
Launch of TIROS 1, World's 1st Weather Satellite - NASA
Launched April 1, 1960, NASA’s first satellite designed to determine if Earth could be studied from space was TIROS-1. The mission, managed and operated by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, was a spiritual predecessor to today’s expansive Earth-observing satellite fleet.
TIROS-1 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
TIROS I (或 TIROS-1) 是第一顆成功的 氣象衛星, 是 電視攝影及紅外線觀測衛星 系列之第一顆。 它於美國東部時間1960年4月1日6:40 [1] 在 美國 佛羅里達州 卡納維拉爾角 發射。 TIROS I 被設計用來實驗測試技術為從接近 圓形的軌道 拍攝氣候模式的電視畫面,從海拔435.5英里(700.9公里)到468.28英里(753.62公里)。 [1] 雖然只有78天的可使用時間(比計划少15天 [1]),但它比 先鋒2號 更成功,表現在衛星可用於在太空測量氣候狀況,發送回了22,952張 …
天文史上的今天:第一张太空拍摄的电视画面,以及第一颗气象卫 …
1960年4月1日,世界上第一颗气象卫星“泰罗斯一号”(TIROS-1)发射成功。 “TIROS”是“Television Infrared Observation Satellite”,也就是“电视红外观测卫星”的英文缩写,但同时在英文中“TIRO”一词也有“新手,新兵”之意,这个名字非常贴切。 这是一颗使用铝和不锈钢材料为主研制的,外形呈圆鼓状的卫星,直径106厘米,高48厘米,重122.5公斤,外部侧面贴上了9200块小型太阳能电池片。 载荷安装了两台电视摄像机,一台高分辨率,一台低分辨率,另外安装有一 …
Television Infrared Observation Satellite - Wikipedia
Television InfraRed Observation Satellite (TIROS) is a series of early weather satellites launched by the United States, beginning with TIROS-1 in 1960. TIROS was the first satellite that was capable of remote sensing of the Earth, enabling scientists to view the Earth from a new perspective: space. [1]
美国TIROS-1气象卫星 - 百度百科
tiros-1是一个极轨运行卫星,重270磅,其上携带有两台摄像机和两台录像机。 TIROS-1是NASA使用卫星帮助科学家研究地球气象系统的首次尝试,得到了美国多家机构的帮助。
NASA - NSSDCA - Spacecraft - Details
2025年3月12日 · TIROS 1 (Television and InfraRed Observation Satellite), the first weather satellite, was designed to test the feasibility of obtaining and using TV cloudcover pictures from satellites. The spin-stabilized satellite was in the form of an 18-sided right prism, 107 cm across opposite corners and 56 cm high, with a reinforced baseplate carrying ...
TIROS-1 - 百度百科
tiros-1 (或 tiros-i) 是第一次发射成功的气象卫星, 和唯一系列新手卫星。 它的设计测试采取的实验性技术·虽则操作只78 天, 它浩大地成功的比 先锋2 在显示出, 卫星是有用的为勘测大气条件从空间。
TIROS, the Nation’s First Weather Satellite - NASA
On April 1, 1960, a satellite designed by the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) launched to become the nation’s first weather satellite. That satellite, the Television InfraRed Observational Satellite, or TIROS 1, operated for only 78 days but demonstrated the feasibility of monitoring Earth’s cloud cover and weather patterns from space.
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