The tumour promoter TPA enhances the transformation to the …
1986年1月1日 · The tumour promoter TPA (12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate) increased the transformation of LATK − mouse cells to the TK + phenotype when the cells were transfected with plasmids containing the thymidine kinase (tk) gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and the transcriptional controlling elements of bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV ...
Recovery of a hybrid vector, derived from bovine papilloma
A bovine papilloma virus (BPV)-pBR322-derived recombinant plasmid carrying a 2-kb fragment of Herpes simplex virus DNA containing the thymidine kinase (tk) gene is capable of transforming tk- cells of mouse L and Syrian hamster BHK21 lines to tk+.
Recovery of a hybrid vector derived from bovine papilloma virus …
1983年3月1日 · A bovine papilloma virus (BPV)-pBR322-derived recombinant plasmid carrying a 2-kb fragment of Herpes simplex virus DNA containing the thymidine kinase (tk) gene is capable of transforming tk cells of mouse L and Syrian hamster BHK21 lines to tk +. In transformed cells a small proportion of the plasmid DNA is present as extrachromosomal elements ...
In this investigation, we present evidence that shows inhibition of transcription by DNA methylation requires chromatin formation in the recipient cells. In vitro reconstituted meth-ylated HSV TK chromatin was always inactive after micro- injection into TK- rat and mouse cells. In contrast, mock- RNA dot analysis.
A DNA recombination-based approach to eliminate papillomavirus ...
2005年3月9日 · In this study, we have developed a DNA recombination-based approach for the conditional expression of the suicide HSV-1 thymidine kinase (TK) gene. The gene cassette is designed to express...
Host-specificities of papillomavirus, Moloney murine sarcoma …
The enhancers increased tk gene expression by regulating the amount of full length tk mRNA present shortly after transfection independent of gene copy number. Furthermore, marked species specificity in the relative efficiencies of different enhancers was observed, including that of the BPV-1 enhancer for the first time.
The truncated C-terminal E2 (E2-TR) protein of bovine …
The E2×2-Sp1×2-tk (-38)-cat contains two E2 and two Sp1 sites 5′ of the HSV-1 tk (-38) promoter (Fig. 1 A). This promoter responds strongly to the full-length PV E2 activators, yet unlike the complex native BPV promoters driven by cellular transactivators, has little baseline activity, thereby permitting us to discretely examine E2 ...
血压变异性(BPV)的内涵及其临床意义 - 爱爱医医学网
2012年6月4日 · 血压变异性(blood pres-sure variability,BPV)是反应血压自发性波动的指标,与心脏左心室肥大、动脉血管重构、脑卒中,乃至高血压肾脏损害密切相关。因此,应首先强调血压变异性(BPV)的生理意义即血压发生波动的特性是人类漫长的进化结果,是机体执行正
科学应用「BPV 和 TTR」是实现和评估「血压长期达标」的有效监 …
2024年8月27日 · 制定科学规范的诊疗策略,应用指南推荐的评估方法(bpv & ttr),真正实现血压长期达标,有效降低临床事件发生风险。既往临床研究已证实 bpv 和 ttr 与心血管事件发生风险关系密切,是评估长期血压管理的有效方法,能够协助医生科学且高效的进行患者管理。
Vacuum diagram acronyms. | Bronco Forum - Full Size Ford …
2006年3月11日 · AIR BPV is the AIR Bypass (AIRB) Valve, also called the TAB (Thermactor Air Bypass) Valve; CPRV is Canister Purge Solenoid Valve/ Canister Purge Solenoid (CANP); VCKV is Vacuum Check Valve;