PowerTrap® (Mechanical Pump): GP10 - TLV
Animated explanation of the operating principle of the mechanical pump (PowerTrap) GP10
Technologically advanced system for pumping high-temperature condensate or process liquids from vented receivers and sumps. No cavitation or seal leakage. Non-electric design with …
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GP10 - TLV
gp10パワートラップ(メカニカルポンプ) ~1.05MPaG クローズドシステムで圧縮エア・圧縮窒素など、非凝縮気体をご使用の場合は、TLVにご相談ください。
メカニカルポンプ(PowerTrap) GP10 - TLV
メカニカルポンプ(PowerTrap) GP10の作動原理をアニメーションを用いて分かりやすく解説しています。
Installation, inspection, maintenance, repairs, disassembly, adjustment and valve opening/closing should be carried out only by trained maintenance personnel. The precautions listed in this …
最高許容温度tma(gp10単体:220℃):耐圧部(本体)が許容される最高温度で、最高使用温度ではありません。 2.※:タンクは大気開放のこと Cor ght C 3 Rev. 2023/2/14
GP10_GP10动力疏水阀泵_动力疏水阀泵_GP10价格_冷凝水回收泵_TLV疏水阀泵_TLV …
GP10动力机械泵、动力疏水阀泵(PowerTrap) 动力机械泵,适用于冷凝水排放或回收 GP10特点 动力机械泵应用范围广,是排放开放式蓄水槽或集水池中冷凝水的最佳选择。 1.排放高温 …
with the standard GP10 configuration, TLV CK3MG or CKF3MG check valves must be used. ¡Motive medium pressure minus back pressure must be greater than 0.5 bar. ¡In closed …
Increased productivity and product quality, plus reduced energy consumption and water treatment are some of the many benefits of condensate drainage and recovery. The TLV GP/GT …
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MODEL GP10-1CJ/GP10-2FJ Features Mechanical pump package incorporating a PowerTrap non-electric, mechanical pump for condensate removal and recovery, and pre-assembled with …
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