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1.最高許容圧力pma(j5x:2.1mpag、jf5x/呼径が20,25の場合:2.1mpag、jf5x/呼径が32,40,50の場合:1.6mpag) :耐圧部(本体)が許容される最高圧力で、最高使用圧力ではありません。
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Extremely durable, inline repairable free float trap with tight shut-off for drainage of small to medium size process loads. Self-modulating free float provides soft, continuous, smooth, low velocity discharge, as process loads vary, for maximum performance.
reliable and durable ductile cast iron or cast iron steam trap with tight shut-off for use on small to medium-size process equipment. Self-modulating free float provides continuous, smooth, low velocity condensate discharge as process loads vary.
Free Float® Steam Trap: JX/JHX series - TLV
When condensate flow diminishes, the X-element expands due to the heat of the steam, closing the air vent valve. The float also lowers to closes the orifice. A water seal is maintained at all times over the orifice to prevent steam loss.
装置用フリーフロート・スチームトラップ | TLV
reliable and durable ductile cast iron or cast iron steam trap with tight shut-off for use on small to medium-size process equipment. Self-modulating free float provides continuous, smooth, low velocity condensate discharge as process loads vary.
TLV J5X-10 Ductile Iron Free Float Steam Trap
TLV J5X-10 Ductile iron free float steam trap, comes with female BSPT taper threads, X-element for quick start-up, built-in filter, 10 bar differential pressure rating and a discharge capacity of up to 900kg/h
フリーフロート・スチームトラップ J5X /~2.1MPaG テイエルブイ (TLV…
テイエルブイ(tlv)の スチームトラップ フリーフロート・スチームトラップ J5X /~2.1MPaG ねじ込み 蒸気用 フリーフロート・スチームトラップ J5X /~2.1MPaG
TLV J5X / JF5X Ductile Iron Free Float Steam Traps
TLV J5X (BSPT threaded) & JF5X (PN16 flanged) ductile iron mechanical free float steam traps come in sizes up to 2″ (50mm). These TLV steam traps are available with many differential pressure ranges and discharge capacities up to 1000kg/h.
J5X_J5X疏水阀_J5X疏水器_J5X法兰蒸汽疏水阀_J3S-X法兰浮球式蒸汽疏水阀_J5X法兰自由浮球式蒸汽疏水器_J5X价格_TLV ...
j5x浮球疏水阀 特点 紧密密封、性能可靠的球墨铸铁或铸铁材质蒸汽 疏水阀 ,适用于中、小型加工工艺。 1.工艺负荷变化时,自动调节型自由浮球可提供连续、平稳和低速的冷凝水排放。