The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Switch) | TLoZ LA (S ...
Mods & Resources by the The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Switch) (TLoZ LA(S)) Modding Community
2025年1月2日 · 通过与游戏联动,可获得独有的 24款“滑翔帆的布料”,用于更换滑翔帆的外观,以及 8件特殊武器 、 12件套特殊防具(7套装、5单件) 、 马匹“伊波娜”,此外还包括丰富的常规武器、烹饪材料、宝石等。 1. 大乱斗林克 SSB Link2. 大乱斗塞尔达 SSB Zelda3. 大乱斗希克 SSB Sheik4. 大乱斗卡通林克 SSB Toon Link5. 大乱斗加侬多夫 SSB Ganondorf6. 大乱斗幼年林克 SSB Young Link. 1. 大乱斗林克 SSB Link. 2. 大乱斗塞尔达 SSB Zelda. 3. 大乱斗希克 SSB Sheik. …
The official home for The Legend of Zelda - Home
Journey to the kingdom of Hyrule and discover the timeless battles between good and evil and the secrets of the all-powerful Triforce. The Legend of Zelda™: Echoes of Wisdom. Watch the trailer....
TLoZ LA - Any% Warpless Speedrun Tutorial PT-BR - YouTube
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Link’s Awakening Walkthrough - Zelda Dungeon
The walkthrough below is a complete 100% guide for Nintendo Switch remake of Link’s Awakening. It covers a full run through of the entire game, including strategies for all bosses and dungeons, the collection of all heart pieces, secret seashells, and upgrades that take you through the entirety of the game.
Lanmola - Zelda Wiki
One of the Shadow Nightmare 's final forms is also called Lanmola, but it is fought very differently. It behaves more akin to the Lanmolas of the original The Legend of Zelda and must be defeated with a powerful attack to the head, like the Magic Rod. Three Lanmolas also appear as the boss of Level 5 in Week 3 of Ancient Stone Tablets.
《塞尔达传说:王国之泪》26个Amiibo大全 - 18183手游网
2023年5月19日 · 《塞尔达传说:王国之泪》26个Amiibo大全,含详细掉落表。 《塞尔达传说:王国之泪》适用的Amiibo,共4个系列、26款。 通过与游戏联动,可获得22款“滑翔帆的布料”,用于更换滑翔帆的外观,以及丰富的武器、材料等。 1. 大乱斗林克 SSB Link. 2. 大乱斗塞尔达 SSB Zelda. 3. 大乱斗希克 SSB Sheik. 4. 大乱斗卡通林克 SSB Toon Link. 5. 大乱斗盖侬多夫 SSB Ganondorf. 6. 大乱斗幼年林克 SSB Young Link. 11. 旷野之息波克布林 TLoZ BotW Bokoblin. …
TLOZ: LA Orchestra - Newgrounds.com
2010年2月8日 · I thought you might've made it a little more interesting with some camera techniques, (v-cam, etc.), and maybe hearing mount tamaranch would've been nice. I could see you worked pretty hard syncing the sprites with the sound, and LOZ: LA is …
TLoZ LA Link (Port) [Mario Kart 8 Deluxe] [Mods] - GameBanana
TLoZ LA Link (Port) - A Mod for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
TLOZ:LA Switch 100% save? - GBAtemp.net
2024年12月30日 · ROM Hack TLOZ:LA Switch 100% save? I've been wanting a LA save file. I want everything to be complete. play the game then? no seriously, what's the point of a 100% save to have it complete if you aren't doing it yourself, especially for this game? Write your reply... Hacking Sonic X Shadow Generations Switch to PC Save Conversion?