G36C Plus+ Electric Rifle - Tokyo Marui Airsoft
Introducing the G36C Plus from Tokyo Marui's Electric Gun Plus series, a formidable addition embodying the ultimate CQB weapon revered within the German military system. Customized for close combat within the G36 series, the G36C Plus elevates the electric gun experience with its advanced features and enhanced operability.
G36C - Tokyo Marui Airsoft
The H&K G36C is an exceptional choice for young airsoft players seeking a high-quality, reliable replica that offers both realistic features and user-friendly functionality. What's included: g36c airsoft rifle, magazine (230 rounds), protective cap, instruction manual, cleaning rod, BB bullets (0.12g/100 rounds), etc.
Tokyo Marui No.74 H&K G36C Standard Airsoft Electric Machine gun
This is a high quality and compact No.74 H&K G36C Standard Airsoft electric machine gun from Tokyo Marui which is equipped with variable hop-up system and Fully automatic (repeated) / semi automatic (single) switching type.
Tokyo Marui G36C Plus Airsoft AEG | RedWolf - RedWolf Airsoft
The G36C is a German answer to the short-barrel rifle or SBR, a compact version of the original Bundeswehr service rifle the G36, and even shorter than its carbine variant, the G36K.
G36C Custom Electric Blowback Rifle - Tokyo Marui Airsoft
The G36C Custom Electric Blowback Rifle, tailored for close-quarters battle (CQB) and VIP protection, now comes equipped with a range of both original H&K and aftermarket parts, providing a highly adaptable platform ideal for various military and police applications.
H&K G36C - 電動ガン スタンダードタイプ | 東京マルイ エアソフ …
コンパクトで軽量なボディに、各種オプションパーツを搭載するためのマウントレイルを設置した電動ガンG36CのCQBスタイルは、サバイバルゲームにおいても強力なアドバンテージを発揮することでしょう。 大部分に樹脂素材を使用し、ディテールの再現はもちろん、マガジン(未装弾)装着時の重量も限りなく本物に近くなっています。 また、金属製のインナーフレームによってエアソフトガンに必要な剛性も備えています。 本体上面のロングマウントレールや、 …
[Tokyo Marui] G36C Airsoft AEG Gun [BLK] – SIXmm (6mm)
g36c 是一款出色的遊戲槍,開箱即用,具有出色的準確性、威力和射程。 步槍完全是 Marui 系統,帶有 Ver.3 Marui 變速箱,可以承擔我們所有的定制和升級部件。
G36Cカスタム - 次世代電動ガン | 東京マルイ エアソフトガン情 …
最新カスタムを施したg36最小モデル. 各国の軍や警察でcqb(=近接戦闘)任務や要人警護などに用いられるg36cは、h&k社純正品から社外品までカスタムパーツが豊富に用意されています。
TOKYO MARUI G36C Plus Electric Airsoft ( AEG ) - WGC Shop
The G36C, the G36 series weapon customized for close combat, is now available in the G36 Plus series of electric guns! The PLUS system (=FET circuit) provides high safety and improved trigger response when firing semi-auto. The G36C Plus is based on the standard G36C model, but has been upgraded to the "G36C Plus" with a higher level of ...
Tokyo Marui G36C Airsoft Electric gun light pro
Tokyo Marui G36C Airsoft Electric gun light pro. The smallest model of the G36 series adopted by the German army! Realistic scale: The close combat weapon G36C is reproduced on the same 1/1 scale as the real one. Gimmicks such as cocking by pulling the cocking lever and foldable stock are also reproduced.
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