TM072 - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia
2024年7月9日 · TM072 (Japanese: わざマシン072 Move Machine 072), known as TM72 prior to Generation IX, is a TM introduced in Generation IV. It teaches a compatible Pokémon a move. The move it teaches depends on the game. For compatibility, refer to the move's page.
TM072 | Pokémon items - Pokémon Database
TM072 teaches a move to a compatible Pokémon. TM072 is: In Generations 1-8, this item was named TM72. An attack move that inflicts double the damage if the user has been hurt by the foe in the same turn. After making its attack, the user rushes back to switch places with a party Pokémon in waiting.
Serebii.net ItemDex - TM72
After making its attack, the user rushes back to switch places with a party Pokémon in waiting. The user creates a bizarre area in which Pokémon's held items lose their effects for five turns. …
输配电技术 | TM72 | 中图分类号查询 | 中国图书馆分类法 | 中图法
CLC,Chinese Library Classification,Library,中图分类号查询,输电制度,远距离输电,超高压输电,无导线输电,超导输电,输配电线路,电力网
Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver - TMs & HMs - Serebii.net
Like Diamond, Pearl & Platinum, HeartGold & SoulSilver give you access to all 100 TM's and HM's, with a change in one of the HMs. These are all dotted around Kanto & Johto with some obtainable multiple times and others available only once. A powerful loyalty attack. The user flinches if hit. Slashes the foe with sharp claws.
How to Get TM72 Avalanche in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond ... - YouTube
2021年11月18日 · This video will show you how to get TM72 Avalanche in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.Links:Twitter: https://twitter.com/PokemonArchivesTwitch: h...
Avalanche (move) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon …
2025年2月22日 · Avalanche (Japanese: ゆきなだれ Avalanche) is a damage-dealing Ice-type move introduced in Generation IV. It was TM72 in Generation IV and Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, and TM64 in Pokémon Sword and Shield. It is TM046 in Generation IX.
TM72 Volt Switch - Pokemon Reborn Wikia
Take the train to the desert. Go left until you hit this area. Face up and defeat the Alolan Exeggutor. Go up and turn left and defeat the Alolan Exeggutor. Then go around to the right and go up and defeat another Alolan Exeggutor. Climb …
输配电工程、电力网及电力系统 | TM7 | 中图分类号查询 | 中国图 …
tm72 输配电技术: 相关图书: 3: tm73 电力系统的调度、管理、通信: 相关图书: 4: tm74 电力系统的模拟与计算: 相关图书: 5: tm75 线路及杆塔: 相关图书: 6: tm76 电力系统的自动化: 相关图书: 7: tm77 电力系统继电保护: 相关图书
伽勒尔地区 TM72: 魔法空间 (Galarian TM72: Magic Room)
招式学习器是一种外观类似光盘的道具,用于给宝可梦学习技能。 在8.2.0版本之前,原作自第一世代开始的所有招式学习器都被加入在游戏里,且只要在任一世代里该宝可梦可以学会这个技能,那他就可以使用这个招式学习器(例如原作中怪力仅在第一世代才可以使用地裂招式的招式学习器,但在8.2.0之前的Mod内的怪力都可以通过招式学习器学会地裂招式)。 自8.2.0版本开始,招式学习器细分了各个世代的版本,Mod内表示为“某某地区 招式学习器”(例如关都地区的招式 …