The new TMM-3M2 truck bridgelayer will enter in service with the ...
2016年7月25日 · The TMM-3M2 bridgelayer is the latest development of the TMM-3M system. It has a total length of 42 m and a lifting capacity of 60 t. The bridgelayer comprises four folding sections 10.5 m each. TMM-3M2 is based on four KAMAZ heavy trucks. The TMM series is a truck launched bridge which was developed to allow military forces to cross water ...
TMM - Weaponsystems.net
The TMM is a bridge laying vehicle that carries a single scissor bridge. There are no transloading vehicles. Each section is carried on its own TMM vehicle. The original TMM is based on the KrAZ-214 or ZIL-157 truck. The TMM was supplemented by the improved TMM-3, which is based on the more capable KrAZ-255B truck chassis.
Russian Eastern Military District to receive TMM-3M2 heavy …
2019年12月19日 · Compared to the TMM-3M based on the KrAZ chassis, the TMM-3M2 features reduced deployment time and higher mobility. It is equipped with a rear camera to monitor the deployment place. The set makes it possible to deploy bridges with a width of 40 meters for wheeled and tracked military hardware.
重型机械化桥梁帮助俄军南下 - Военное обозрение
2021年11月1日 · TMM-3M2用于部队移动路径上跨越各种障碍物的桥梁装置,该装置由四辆车组成。 这座桥可让重达 60 吨的轮式和履带式车辆通过宽达 40 米、深达 3,5 米的障碍物。 桥梁的组装是通过8人的计算进行的。
俄军工程兵团架设重型机械化桥 无人机从独特角度 拍摄架桥过程
这是工程兵团架设TMM-3M2重型机械化桥的过程,拍摄这组照片时,俄军摄影师动用了无人机,拍摄出不同的效果。 两名工兵在即将落下的机械化桥上,手工调整桥墩的角度和高度。 此时机械化桥由架桥车吊起,桥墩还没有与河床接触。 当桥墩完全放下时,架桥车将桥板另一头放到既有桥板的连接处,随后架桥车将撤离。 架桥车撤离之前,会将两个桥板接合到一起。 紧接着,另一辆架桥车驶上桥梁,放下自身搭载的桥板。 由于这个桥板可以直接搭到对岸,因此另一侧的 …
Army 2016: GAKS presents its TMM-3M2 heavy ... - Army …
2016年9月9日 · The Russia-based company GAKS JSC showcases this week at Army 2016 exhibition its new TMM-3M2 heavy mechanized bridge. This system is designed for river crossing along the movements of the troops. In 2015, Halych Auto-Crane Factory JSC started working on repairing and upgrading the TMM-3M in use in the Russian Armed Forces.
Heavy mechanized bridges to help Russian troops southward
2021年11月1日 · TMM-3M2 is intended for the device of bridge crossings over various obstacles on the path of movement of troops, the set consists of four vehicles. The bridge provides the passage of wheeled and tracked vehicles weighing up to 60 tons through obstacles up to 40 meters wide and up to 3,5 meters deep.
Russian Eastern Military District to receive TMM-3M2 heavy …
2019年12月26日 · A TMM-3M2 heavy mechanized bridge will be delivered to Russia’s Eastern Military District. The Eastern Military District is the second largest military district in Russia by geographic size at 7,000,000 square kilometers (2,700,000 sq mi).
俄军工程兵团架设重型机械化桥 无人机从独特角度 拍摄架桥过程_ …
2020年1月23日 · 近日,俄罗斯南部军区驻扎在克拉斯诺达尔地区的工程兵团进行战术演习。这是工程兵团架设tmm-3m2重型机械化桥的过程,拍摄这组照片时,俄军摄影师动用了无人机,...
#2550 ∙ TMM-3M2 bridge layer ∙ WarSpotting
TMM-3M2 bridge layer ∙ Visually confirmed Captured Russian Engineering in Russian war in Ukraine