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#!/usr/bin/php 2) && ( !preg_match('/^www\./', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ) || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == "443" ) { header("Location: /404.html"); exit; } $user_agent ...
We can hold your Reservation maximum for 10 minutes. For any support, please call +965 97227330.
安装 TinyMediaManager 并解决中文乱码问题 | 一起玩 NAS!
TinyMediaManager 是一个影视元数据刮削工具,安装起来很简单。 TinyMediaManager 默认是英文,直接切换为中文会显示乱码,需要安装下面的字体后才能切换。 阿里云镜像提供的这个 …
解决移动网络TMM刮削后提示 Connection Reset 的一种方法
3、打开tmm,在设置-系统-代理一栏中,填写本机ip地址和代理的https端口(clash和其他端口应该也可以,可以尝试) 4、退出并重启tmm,发现可以正常刮削,同时在梯子的logs里可以查看 …
Warm Pressed Brioche Ice Cream Sandwich - TMM Contactless Menu
The pressed brioche bun glazed inside with Cream Cheese Frosting will be warm while the CINNAMON BUN ice cream will be still be perfectly cold and still intact, serving along side a …
Cappuccino, Latte, Caramel Macchiato, Cafe Mocha - TMM Contactless Menu
Cappuccino, Latte, Caramel Macchiato, Cafe Mocha
TMM Dispensary | Premium Vermont Grown
TMM Dispensary, Premium Vermont Grown and Cultivated Cannabis. TMM Dispensary, Premium Vermont Grown and Cultivated Cannabis. top of page. Tax Included Discounts Will be Applied …
Menu Bar (GNU Emacs Manual)
On a text terminal, you can optionally access the menu-bar menus in the echo area. To this end, customize the variable tty-menu-open-use-tmm to a non-nil value. Then typing F10 will run the …