Steyr TMP - Wikipedia
The Steyr TMP (Taktische Maschinenpistole/Tactical Machine Pistol) is a 9×19mm Parabellum caliber machine pistol manufactured by Steyr Mannlicher of Austria. The magazines come in 15 or 30 round detachable box types.
TMP Wiki - Theoretical and Mathematical Physics - LMU Munich
For current matters, we maintain a TMP wiki. The contents of the wiki can be edited by any student or lecturer in the programme. The wiki pages should thus not be viewed as official announcements of the programme. Nevertheless, they are mostly accurate and very useful.
Temporary file - Wikipedia
These files are typically located in the standard temporary directory, /tmp on Unix machines or %TEMP% (which is log-in specific) on Windows machines. A temporary file created with tmpfile is deleted automatically when the program exits or the file is closed.
TMP - Wikipedia
Steyr TMP, a machine pistol made by Steyr Mannlicher; Thermo mechanical pulp; Transmembrane pressure, the pressure difference between feed and permeate stream in Ultrafiltration; Turbomolecular pump, a high vacuum pump
TMP - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
斯泰爾TMP(Steyr TMP),由奧地利 斯泰爾-曼利夏設計的9毫米 口徑 冲锋枪。TMP解為戰術衝鋒手槍(Tactical Machine Pistol) 测试管理计划(Test Management Plan)
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics - LMU Munich
We are currently seeking applications for the Elite-MSc course on "Theoretical and Mathematical Physics". The deadline is June 15th. more. Do you have questions regarding TMP? The student representatives Giulia and Üzeyir plan to offer a Q&A session …
斯泰爾TMP衝鋒槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
TMP - IOP Wiki
2025年3月13日 · The Steyr TMP (Taktische Maschinenpistole, or 'Tactical Machine Pistol') is a compact, magazine-fed, select-fire 9×19mm Parabellum caliber machine pistol manufactured by Steyr Mannlicher of Austria. The TMP is a blowback-operated firearm, and fires from a closed bolt. This helps to make the weapon more controllable during fully-automatic fire.
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tmpfs - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
tmpfs (英語: temporary file system) 是 類Unix系統 上暫存檔儲存空間的常見名稱,通常以掛載檔案系統方式實現,並將資料儲存在 揮發性記憶體 而非永久儲存裝置中。 和 RAM disk 的概念近似,但後者會呈現出具有完整檔案系統的虛擬磁碟。 所有在tmpfs上儲存的資料在理論上都是暫時借放的,那也表示說,檔案不會建立在硬碟上面。 一旦重新開機,所有在tmpfs裡面的資料都會消失不見。 理論上,記憶體使用量會隨著tmpfs的使用而時有增長或消減。 目前有許多Unix的發 …