Trackless Moving Targets by Pratt Miller Defense | Home
The TMT-V is a vehicle-sized platform capable of carrying a variety of 3D vehicle representations, from trucks to tanks. Armored for marksmanship engagement up to .50 CAL, the zone-based hit detection allows vehicle specific defeat areas and prompts reactive behaviors.
TMT-Vehicle (TMT-V) - Trackless Moving Targets
Pratt Miller Defense TMT-Vehicle (TMT-V) Trackless Moving Target is revolutionizing the way live-fire marksmanship training is conducted.
軍武新知》用更會跑的標靶磨練神射手 美陸軍新TMT靶具明年啟用
2024年12月5日 · 車輛型「無軌式移動靶具」(TMT-V)時速可達30英里(約48.2公里/時)。 (普瑞特米勒國防公司網站) 〔記者陳治程/綜合報導〕無人機作戰的趨勢,讓現代軍隊面對到更難偵測、行動更靈活但殺傷力不俗的新興威脅,促使部隊開始革新戰演訓模式,才能保持戰場優勢。 有鑒於此,美國陸軍日前確定採購新型的「無軌式移動靶具」,運用其可模擬車輛、人員標靶,以及射擊即時回饋的通信能力,有效提升部隊實彈射擊的整體訓練效能。 美陸軍本次採購 …
Army’s Newest Moving Targets Demonstrated at Fort Liberty
2025年1月17日 · The TMTs are the Army’s only programmable robotic moving target program that can traverse complex terrain and mimic human and vehicle movement. The TMTs come in two types, TMT – Infantry (TMT-I) and TMT – Vehicle (TMT-V). They are designed to survive when shot by live .50 caliber ball ammunition and 7.62mm and 5.56mm Enhanced Penetrator ...
TRACR II integration allows use of TMT-V, TMT-I, rail based targets and stationary targets to be operated simultaneously for extremely flexible and complex scenarios Standard Interfaces: Ethernet, CAN Wireless Gateway: 900MHz, 2.4GHz & 5GHz & LTE Telemetry: Mission data, real-time scoring, tele-operation & video feed
Pratt Miller Defense receives US Army multi-year production …
2024年12月2日 · The US Army has awarded Oshkosh subsidiary Pratt Miller Defense a multi-year production contract for the fielding of its Trackless Moving Target (TMT) robotics-based marksmanship training technology, the company announced on 27 November 2024.
Trending at I/ITSEC: Robotic Targets for Marksmanship Training
2016年12月1日 · Unlike pop-up targets that move back and forth on a rail in a linear pattern, the TMT-V can be programmed via GPS-waypoints to follow a specific route that turns and twists in a more...
Pratt Miller | TMT-V Overview 2022
Pratt Miller | TMT-V Overview 2022. Post navigation. Previous. Next. Related Videos. EMAV – LW30mm Chain Gun Integration. Watch > EMAV – 30/40mm Turret Integrations. Watch > Pratt Miller | PM-FlexTire™ Deformable Tire Model. Watch > Pratt Miller HQ 29600 W. K. Smith Drive New Hudson, MI 48165.
Pratt Miller TMT-车辆 (TMT-V) - chinaagv.com
TMT 将高度移动的平台与基于 GPS 的路径跟踪技术和基于区域的命中检测系统相结合,用于反应行为场景和命中评分。 Pratt Miller 的 TMT 平台系列从步兵到装甲车,大小不一,可以成组或单独部署,以最大限度地提高您的训练体验。 TMT-V 规格表. 平台特点. 速度高达 35 英里/小时. 4 轮转向增强机动性. 带可选增程器的全电动传动系统. 升降机和目标不可知:从轻到重,2D 和 3D. 根据训练要求定制的装甲套件. 4000 磅承载能力. 一个平台覆盖多个交战距离. Pratt Miller Defense …
US Army Demonstrates Advances in Firing Simulations Using Next …
2024年5月21日 · The TMT-V, capable of speeds up to 35 mph, offers enhanced maneuverability with its four-wheel steering. It features an electric driveline with an optional range extender and can support a range of target types, from light to heavy, in 2D or 3D.