TNB Electrical Engineer: Substation Categories, Type & Design
2009年12月23日 · Main Switching Station (Stesyen Suis Utama- SSU) View from the front of SSU Seagate . SSU at 33kV, 22kV and 11 kV are established to serve the following function:-
Kategori Pencawang Pembahagian Elektrik - UntOngLAAA.
Walaubagaimanapon, terdapat tambahan satu (1) Kategori Pencawang bagi pengguna pukal iaitu Stesen Suis Utama (SSU). Secara Asasnya, turutan konfigurasi Pembahagian Bekalan Elektrik adalah seperti berikut: PMU Hulu Terengganu. Credit: TNB …
TNB-Sub Station Design Manual - FlipHTML5
2021年7月12日 · TNB Distribution Division through the Distribution Asset Management Department, in collaboration with ILSAS and Universiti Tenaga Nasional, have taken a step forward to develop this manual which incorporates the latest technological changes in substation equipment and design, existing relevant instructions and circulars, as well as approved ...
Tenaga Nasional Berhad
The Tenaga Nasional Berhad substation design booklet provides guidelines for designing substations.
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Station (SSU) : Main Switching Station (SSU) at 33 kV and 11 kV are established to serve the following function:- 1. To supply a dedicated bulk consumer ( 33 kV and 11 kV) 2. To provide bulk capacity injection or transfer from a PMU/PPU to a load center for further localized distribution.
• Provide the substation(s) land and building (s) to TNB by:- • Transfer the substation land at a nominal value of RM 10.00 to TNB or; • Leasing the substation land at the nominal value of RM10.00 to TNB
TNB Substation Design Manual 2012 | PDF - Scribd
Properly designed substations and correct installation of related equipment will ensure reliable and quality power supply, longer equipment lifespan and improved system security as well as …
SSU at 33kv, 22kV and 11 kV are established to serve the following function: - 1. To provide a dedicated bulk consumer (33kv, 22kv, 11 kV) 2. to provide mass injection capabilities or transfer from a PMU / PPU to a Load center for distribution of additional location.
TNB 2024 - Substation - Design - Booklet - Edition2.0-162 - Scribd
This document contains details for the elevations and sections of a 33kV substation, including legends, dimensions, floor finishes, and ceiling finishes. It provides technical specifications for the construction of the substation. LEGEND : FLOOR FINISHES. WALL CONSTRUCTION. B - 150MM THK. BRICKWALL WITH CEMT PLASTER ON BOTHSIDES. B1 - 230MM THK.
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