The Fading Order - A Brave New World: The US In 1980 : …
2022年7月3日 · The Fading Order is a TNO Sub Mod starting in the year 1980 and ending in the 1992, we present a unique take on this world and are currently searching for more moders mainly GFX artists and coders. Discord: https://discord.gg/CTvUf8Ej
1980's of TNO : r/TNOmod - Reddit
2020年10月21日 · The New Order: Last Days of Europe is an ambitious mod for Hearts of Iron IV presenting a unique alternate history Cold War between Germany, Japan and the USA, starting in 1962. Will you save the world or help destroy it? What would the 1980's of TNO be like in your personal opinion? Archived post.
The Fading Order: A Brave New World, Germany In 1980. : r/TNOmod - Reddit
2023年3月19日 · The Fading Order: A Brave New World (Or TNO: 1980s) is proud to announce our return, after a while as a apart of BNW we have reformed and devoted ourselves to bringing the world of TNO to the year 1980, please join us we always need more people!
The New Era | TNO Submods Wiki | Fandom
The New Order: The New Era (TNE), formerly known as Millenium Twilight (MT), is an in-developmet submod for The New Order, focusing around creating a sequel to TNO, based in the 1980s. In TNE's canon, Germany during the 1960s-70s began to democratise, with the Gang of Four overturning Speer's control of Germany.
新秩序:欧洲末日 Wiki | Fandom
在希特勒承诺将持续一千年的黄金时代的头三十年里,德意志帝国已经从世界上最卓越的超级大国变成了摇摇欲坠的边缘。 德国经济在20世纪50年代经历了一场灾难性的崩溃,从此再也没有恢复过来。 帝国努力重新控制其难以控制的东部殖民地和强大的党卫军,后者在海因里希·希姆莱(Heinrich Himmler)的领导下实际上已经变成了流氓。 在他位于勃艮第州的总部,他密谋在整个帝国实施他的愿景,即建立一个更纯粹、更原教旨主义的国家社会主义。 由于年老的希特勒 …
Radio TNO: '80s-'90s Thailand Submod - Paradox Mods
An unofficial, fan made submod of the popular "Radio TNO" mod made for The New Order: Last Days of Europe. However, this should work with vanilla or any mods out there. As of version 2.1, this contains 48 Thai City Pop songs from the '80s to '90s, amounting to around 3 …
TNO 剧情向子mod大全 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
TNO 剧情向子mod大全 亚雅 .美丽新世界(Brave New World): 由“第二次西俄罗斯战争”和“马家军”两个老牌submod合并而来,旨在 拓展诸俄罗斯军阀统一后的游戏剧情 和 重置或补充泛亚地区的内容 。
Radio TNO: '80s-'90s Thailand Submod - Steam Community
2024年3月28日 · An unofficial, fan made submod of the popular "Radio TNO" mod made for The New Order: Last Days of Europe. However, this should work with vanilla or any mods out there. As of version 2.1, this contains 48 Thai City Pop songs from the '80s to '90s, amounting to around 3 hours of playtime.
Has anyone thought of making a TNO based in the 80s? : …
2023年5月20日 · What if when determining what you do as (let's say) Germany with Speer as the new Fuhrer at the Gang of Four's expense, a TNO based in the 80s would be shaped by your past decisions then? Like with the Telltales games for the Walking Dead or Batman
星火制作组告全体玩家书 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年7月23日 · 各位持续关注星火的玩家们,好久不见,这里是原《新秩序:欧洲末日》(以下简称“tno”)子模组——《新秩序:星火》(以下简称“星火”)制作组,在经历了一段较长时间的开发,交流和研究之后,我们意识到我们不…