The New Order: A New Millennium (Video Game) - TV Tropes
The New Order: A New Millennium is an upcoming unofficial fan sequel for The New Order: Last Days of Europe. Building upon TNO, ANM is set in the 1996. The year is 1996. The German Reich currently enjoys the peak of its economic power. Even after the loss of Muscovy to the Soviets, The Reich has continued to prosper financially.
A New Millennium | TNO Submods Wiki | Fandom
The New Order: A New Millennium (ANM) is an in-development sequel-submod for The New Order, focusing on the year 2000 in TNO's timeline. Almost 60 years have passed since the atomic bomb brought victory to the axis powers.
钢铁雄心TNO:新千禧 开发组通讯#1 FAQ - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2022年6月18日 · TNO: A New Millennium (ANM) 汉化组名即日起更改为“千禧新秩序” “新千禧”、“千禧歧途”等维持作为非正式名称-----
ANM Western Europe Starting Situation Teaser : r/ANewMilleniumMod - Reddit
2024年6月2日 · Hello everyone! We at the ANM team are proud to present our new (and greatly improved) West Europe starting situation. The year is 1996, fifty years have passed since the end of the Second World War and the dawn of a new millennium approaches Western Europe.
TNO:A New Millennium(千禧歧途)已经出来了,看看熟人吧。 …
TNO:A New ..来看看,这是带嘤那边的老太太。 但是她失去了北爱尔兰,以及所有英联邦成员。 不知道带嘤为什么没有加入OFN。
TNO Submods Wiki - Fandom
2021年11月20日 · Welcome to the wiki for everything concerning submods for The New Order: Last Days of Europe (TNO). The wiki is a work-in-progress, so feel free to contribute as help is always appreciated. If you are new to editing, this guide should help.
TNO:AMN(新秩序:新千禧)mod teaser合集1 - 知乎
在典礼的首日,剧院演出了贝多芬的“Die Weihe Des Hauses“, 伊戈尔·菲德洛维奇·斯特拉文斯基 的”Symphonie de Psalms“和 安东尼奥·卡尔达拉 的“Te Deum” 威尼斯人终于能够享受他们丰富文化历史中的另一个奇迹了。 2002年 埃特纳火山 喷发. 来自意大利西西里岛的新闻:西西里岛发生了一件美丽而又灾难性的事件:埃特纳火山喷发了. 火山学家们将埃特纳火山喷发称为“最完美的火山喷发“,而且这座火山也被认为是近一百年来最容易喷发的火山. 喷发发生在10月26日的晚上 …
r/ANewMilleniumMod - Reddit
r/ANewMilleniumMod: A New Millennium is an ambitious mod for Hearts of Iron IV — an unofficial sequel to TNO that aims to bring years of content to…
OOC:The New Order: A New Millennium - IIWiki
2024年5月6日 · TNO:ANM is a simple alternative history timeline set in the world of The New Order: Last Days of Europe, a mod for Hearts of Iron IV which explores a world in which the Axis won WW2. This scenario, set in the modern day, seeks to explore how such a world as vastly different from our own would be covered academically in-universe.
Characters in The New Order: A New Millennium - TV Tropes
A page for describing Characters: New Order: A New Millennium. Superpowers United States of America Dai Nippon Teikoku Regionalpower Union of Soviet …