Innovation for life | TNO
Creating impactful innovations for the sustainable wellbeing and prosperity of society. Scaling-up electrochemical technologies for renewable ethylene production. Ethylene production is energy-intensive and uses fossil resources. Read how TNO's technology converts CO₂ into ethylene.
About us | TNO - tno.nl/en
At TNO, we create impactful innovations for the sustainable wellbeing and prosperity of society. We support the Dutch government in carrying out statutory and other government tasks in the public interest. And we help to boost the earning power of the Netherlands.
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (TNO; English: Dutch Organization for Applied Scientific Research) is an independent statutory research organization in the Netherlands that focuses on applied science.
Innovation for life | TNO
Spring niet op elke innovatietrein: TNO's afwegingskader helpt steden bij slimmere mobiliteitskeuzes. Tijdmaker in beeld: Stefania Monni over antennes en radartechnologie. Impactvolle innovaties creëren voor duurzaam welzijn en welvaart van de samenleving.
荷兰应用科学研究组织 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
荷兰应用科学研究组织 (荷兰语: Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek),简称 TNO,是一个致力于 应用科学 研究的 荷兰 独立机构。 该组织还进行 委托研究,提供专业谘询服务,并授予 专利 和专业软件的许可证。 TNO对产品和服务进行测试和认证,并发布独立的质量评估。 此外,TNO成立了新公司来进行市场创新。 TNO的策略基于技术进步和社会趋势。 TNO的工作侧重于9个领域,这些领域与国家经济政策 …
TNO Energy Scenarios
Since 2020, TNO has been developing and updating its two energy scenarios, ADAPT and TRANSFORM, which outline the future for the Dutch energy system between 2030 and 2050 and provide insight into the consequences of the greenhouse gas reduction targets.
TNO - LinkedIn
TNO is an independent organisation for applied research. We connect people and knowledge to create innovations that boost the competitive strength of industry and the well-being of society in a...
Mission and vision | TNO - tno.nl/en
2024年3月14日 · TNO, as a trusted, independent, and pioneering applied science and technology organisation, plays a multifaceted role. We innovate, investigate, and orchestrate, collaborating closely with governments, universities and the private sector.
Zonnescherm én stroombron tegelijk: TNO maakt dunne folie
3 天之前 · Kennisinstituut TNO ontwikkelde voor kwekers met grote tuinderskassen dunne folie vol zonnecellen die aan de binnenkant van kassen zowel voor schaduw als kan zorgen, ook in carports
TNO - Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
TNO is the Netherlands Organization for applied scientific research. Set up by law in 1932, it has been our mission to give the right answers – and to ask the right questions. This is how we work for welfare and prosperity.