TNT x500 - Lucky TNT - MC百科|最大的Minecraft中文MOD百科
顾名思义,就是500倍TNT。 点燃后开始冒烟并闪烁白光,在16秒或者32次闪烁后爆炸,并且对周围的生物造成伤害。 爆炸能够摧毁 水 和 熔岩,但无法破坏 黑曜石,爆炸有冲击波。 爆炸中心伤害:1118点( × 559) 爆炸预览图: *这里只会显示该物品合成方式,且最多显示10个,点击右边栏"查看合成/用途"可查看该物品作为材料的合成。 TNT x500资料的介绍页面,此资料来自模组Lucky TNT,我的世界MOD百科,提供Minecraft (我的世界)MOD (模组)物品资料介绍教程攻略 …
TNT x500 - Even More TNT - MC百科|最大的Minecraft中文MOD …
此段资料引用于“tnt”并与其保持同步更新。 编辑. 无特殊效果的tnt,爆炸范围和威力是由普通的tnt堆叠进行计算。
TNT Destructive V14 - Planet Minecraft
2024年11月23日 · The TNT Destructive Mod Adds 32 new TNT s to your Minecraft game, x5, x20, x50, x100, x500, napalm, nuke, fake, god, fast, small, no texture, mining...
Ginourmous tnt - Minecraft Mod - Modrinth
This mod adds over 100 new explosives to Minecraft! For survival, you can use the Mining TNT to gather resources, or if you're looking to cause massive destruction, the Tier 4 TNTs are perfect for wiping out the entire Minecraft world.
[1.14.4-1.18.2]Lucky TNT Mod - 哔哩哔哩
这是一款威力相当大的TNT模组,模组中TNT的效果可以持续 10-20 分钟,直到自然衰变,当然如果你想加快这个过程,你可以使用 Disaster Clearer TNT 或使用命令之一(/ltmdisaster - 显示持续时间;/ltmdisaster clear - 停止灾难。
Too Much TNT mod (50+ TNTs) - Minecraft Forum
2012年3月24日 · Uranium can be thrown or used to make Godly TNTs. CustomTNT: You can now create your own TNT by editing the options in TooMuchTNT.cfg (config). Most TNTs get a weaker throwable version. TNTs such as the houses don't get a dynamite. Right click to throw it. Crafting is as easy as placing preferred TNT into work bench.
TNT Destructive Addon | Minecraft PE Mods & Addons - MCPEDL
2021年3月20日 · TNT x500: power of 500 TNT’s. Napalm: Causes a fire. Nuke: Destroys and burns. Fast TNT: Explodes instantly. Fast TNT x15: Explodes instantly with power of 15 TNTs. No texture TNT: Random between the following 4 things: 1. Nothing. 2. Sets 1 block fire. 3. Breaks 1 block. 4. Breaks 1 block, and sets 1 block in fire.
TNT X500 | Minecraft Block - Tynker
This TNT X500 Minecraft Blocks was remixed by Noon Work. Check out other cool remixes by Noon Work and Tynker's community.
炸药 x500 (Dynamite x500) - 更多TNT (TooMuchTNT) - MC百科
炸药 x500 (Dynamite x500)资料的合成表列表页面,此资料来自模组更多TNT (TooMuchTNT),我的世界MOD百科,提供Minecraft(我的世界)MOD(模组)物品资料介绍教程攻略和MOD下载。
Lucky TNT Mod (1.21) | AKA Too Much TNT Predecessor - Feed …
2024年7月6日 · The Lucky TNT Mod adds over 200 new types of TNT and dynamite to the game. Inspired by the TooMuchTNT mod, The mod offers a lot of new destructive power, from simple TNT blocks to complex ones like the Deathray and Supernova. Here are just a few of the many TNTs and dynamites that are included in the Lucky TNT Mod: Deathray: Supernova: TNT x500:
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