RPR/VDRL/MHA-TP (Serologic Tests for Syphilis) - Hopkins …
Whenever a screening test (RPR, VDRL) is positive, a more specific test (FTA-ABS, TP-MHA) should be used to confirm the test and rule out a "biologic false positive." The patient has syphilis, but is so early in the course of the disease that the test has not yet turned positive.
CDC Laboratory Recommendations for Syphilis ...
2024年2月6日 · The manual TPHA and MHA-TP tests are no longer available for in vitro diagnostics in the United States but are still used in certain international settings. TPHA and MHA-TP are indirect agglutination with T. pallidum antigens bound to avian or ovine erythrocytes. MHA-TP is a microplate version of TPHA.
梅毒抗体 - 百度百科
梅毒是由苍白螺旋体 感染 引起的一种 性传播 性疾病 。 梅毒螺旋体 感染人体后出现两种抗体:一种是特异性抗体 (TPHA),为lgM。 当有补体存在和厌氧条件下,对活 螺旋体 的动力有抑制作用,并可将螺旋体杀死或溶解,对机体的再感染有保护作用。 另一类是非特异性抗体(快速血浆反应素 RPR)。 为lgA与lgM的混合物,可与正常生物组织中的类脂 抗原 发生非特异性结合,对人体无保护作用。 梅毒抗体的实验检测有将梅毒的病原体菌体和将菌体成分作为抗原的实验方法, …
The Laboratory Diagnosis of Syphilis - PMC
The microhemagglutination assay for T. pallidum (MHA-TP) and T. pallidum hemagglutination assay (TPHA) are manual indirect hemagglutination assays performed in microtiter plates using sheep and fowl erythrocytes sensitized with T. pallidum antigen, respectively, which agglutinate with anti-treponemal IgM and IgG antibodies (2, 10).
MHA-TP试验原理是什么? - 微生物 - 天山医学院
答:MHA-TP(microhemagglutination assay for antibodies to Treponema pallidum)试验是一种微量间接血凝试验。原理是先用Reiter螺旋体吸收去患者血清中非密螺旋体抗体后,以Nichols株螺旋体提取物致敏的羊或鸡红细胞加入之。
Interpretation of Syphilis Serology - This Changed My Practice
His syphilis serology results are as follows: Syphilis EIA positive, RPR negative, TP-PA positive. How should these results be interpreted? We frequently encounter questions about the interpretation of syphilis serology and about the appropriate treatment of …
Understanding the MHA-TP Test: Mechanism and Clinical Insights
2024年10月10日 · The MHA-TP test, or microhemagglutination assay for Treponema pallidum antibodies, is a diagnostic tool for detecting syphilis. It identifies specific antibodies, providing insights into infection status and disease progression.
The microhemagglutination assay for Treponema pallidum antibodies (MHA ...
The status of a new treponemal test, the Microhemagglutination Assay for Treponema pallidum Antibodies (MHA-TP) is reviewed and compared with regard to its sensitivity, specificity, and current clinical application to the VDRL slide test, the most widely used non-treponemal test, and to the manual F …
Treponema pallidum Antibody by TP-PA | ARUP Laboratories …
TP-PA is a helpful diagnostic aid for the patient with a reactive reagin test, but presents with atypical signs of primary, secondary, or late syphilis. TP-PA compares favorably with the FTA test, but appears slightly less sensitive in cases of untreated early primary syphilis.
甲苯胺红不加热血清试验 - 百度百科
甲苯胺红不加热血清试验(tolulized red unheated serum test,TRUST)是一种非梅毒螺旋体抗原血清试验,主要用于梅毒的筛选和疗效观察。 梅毒是一种由 梅毒螺旋体 ( TP)引起全身各器官的性传播疾病,当梅毒螺旋体进入人体3~ 6周后,可在患者血清中检出2种抗体, 一种是针对螺旋体抗原的抗体,另一种是针对非螺旋体抗原的抗体。 临床梅毒检测常用的血清学试验分为非梅毒螺旋体抗原试验 ( 如VDRL,TRUST,RPR)和梅毒螺旋体抗原试验 ( 如TPPA,ELISA等) [1]。 梅毒螺旋 …
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