约 4 个结果

FPKM = Fragments Per Kilobase Million FPKM is very similar to RPKM. RPKM was made for single-end RNASEQ, where every read corresponded to a single fragment that was …
• TPM — This is salmon’s estimate of the relative abundance of this transcript in units of Transcripts Per Million (TPM). TPM is the recommended relative abundance measure to use …
Practical Guide to Interpreting RNA-seq Data Skyler Kuhn1,2 Mayank Tandon1,2 1. CCR Collaborative Bioinformatics Resource (CCBR), Center for Cancer Research, NCI
• Use Salmon to “align” to Gencode transcriptome and generate both quant files (Read Count and TPM per transcript) for both transcripts and genes. Additionally, gather data from optional …