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瞬态平面热源技术 - 百度百科
瞬态平面热源技术(Transient Plane Source Method, TPS)用于测量导热系数的一种方法,上世纪90年代,瑞典科学家S. Gustafson博士发明了瞬变平面热源法测试导热系数。瞬态平面热源技术在国内正在被越来越多地研究人员应用于各种不同类型材料的热物性的测试。
Printed Heating and Temperature-Sensing Film in Transient Plane …
In this study, screening printing is adopted as a new and economical method to fabricate the nickel film with a bifilar spiral arrangement in TPS sensors for heating and temperature-sensing. The functional nickel film is 10 μ m in thickness and the formed TPS sensor has a total thickness of ∼ 30 μ m after being sealed in polyimide films.
TPS Technology - Hot Disk
The well-established Hot Disk method, also referred to as the Transient Plane Source (TPS) method or the Gustafsson Probe, invented by Hot Disk AB founder Dr. Silas E. Gustafsson in 1986, allows rapid, accurate and non-destructive testing of Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Diffusivity, Thermal Effusivity and Specific Heat Capacity of most ...
Transient Plane Source: Exploring TPS Method and Applications
2024年6月3日 · For transient measurements, the Transient plane source (TPS) method (ISO 22007-2) provides a fast, versatile, and precise framework to simultaneously measure TC and TD over various materials such as pastes, powders, liquids, thin films, and bulk materials.
Analysis and improvement of the hot disk transient plane source method …
2020年4月1日 · The hot disk transient plane source (TPS) method is a widely used standard technique (ISO 22007–2) for characterizing the thermal properties of materials, especially the thermal conductivity, k.
Using the TPS method for determining the thermal properties of …
2006年9月1日 · The transient plane source (TPS) method is shown to be very promising for determining thermal properties of materials at room temperature as well as...
Plane Source Method, TPS)是由瑞典Chalmer 理工大学的Silas Gustafsson教授在热线法的基础 上发展起来的一项专利技术,在过去20 年中,瞬态平面热源技术被越来越多地被研究人员应用
Correction of transient plane source method influenced by …
Tarasovs et al. employed the TPS method in conjunction with the inverse solution method to determine the thermal conductivity of anisotropic materials. This approach involves conducting three measurements on three different planes of a cubic sample to determine the thermal conductivity in each direction [10] .
Improving the accuracy of the transient plane source method by ...
2013年12月4日 · The transient plane source (TPS) method is a relatively newly developed transient approach for thermal conductivity measurement. Compared with the steady-state method, it is fast, and applicable to either solid, liquid or gas state materials; therefore, it has gained much popularity in recent years.