T. R. Sharma - Wikipedia
Tilak Raj Sharma (born 20 May 1965) is an Indian plant biologist, the deputy director general (CS) of ICAR and former executive director and chief executive officer of the National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI), and Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB) respectively, both autonomous institutes under the Department of B...
National Academy of Agricultural Sciences - NAAS
Fellow: Indian National Science Academy; National Academy of Sciences, India. Research Areas: Plant Disease Resistance, Genomics and Bioinformatics Address: DDG (Crop Science), Indian Council of Agricultural Sciences, Room No. 14, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi 110001; [Tel: Cell: 9818386057; Email: [email protected]; [email protected]]
Dr T. R. Sharma - Google Scholar
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi - Cited by 18,807 - Plant Sciences - Agricultural Biotechnology - Plant Disease Resistance
Dr Tilak Raj Sharma Dr worked (1999-2017), Tilak Raj Sharma is Deputy Director General (Crop Science), New Delhi. He has obtained at University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada; York, USA. Dr Sharma is the fellow of the Indian National Science three the the post State Department Doctorate Agricultural degrees: of Biotechnology University, Plant Palampur (1991-99), ICAR-IARI, Delhi
Dr Tilak Raj Sharma, has joined as Deputy Director General (Crop ...
Dr Tilak Raj Sharma, has joined as Deputy Director General (Crop Science), ICAR Headquarters, New Delhi
Indian Institute of Rice Research - icar-iirr.org
2023年5月11日 · Dr TR Sharma, DDG (Crop Sciences), ICAR, New Delhi in his inaugural address stressed the importance of multi-disciplinary mode of research. Development of specialty rices including low/ultra-low glycemic index and high grain protein varieties needs to prioritized.
INSA :: Indian Fellow Detail
Dr. T. R. Sharma has contributed extensively to the improvement of rice for over 16 years. His most significant contributions include, mapping, cloning & functional validation of a Rice blast (Magnaporthe oryzae) resistance gene Pi-kh (Pi54) from a unique source, which activates complex defense mechanism as demonstrated by microarray analysis. He has also mined a new allele Pi-rh, from wild ...
Dr. T.R. Sharma Assumes Additional Charge as the Director of …
2024年7月1日 · Dr. T.R. Sharma, Deputy Director General (Crop Science) ICAR, assumed additional charge as the Director of ICAR-IARI, today. He took over the charge from the Former Director, Dr. Ashok K. Singh.
Dr. T.R. Sharma, DDG (Crop Sciences) visits ICAR-CAZRI
Dr. T.R. Sharma, Deputy Director General (Crop Sciences), ICAR visited ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur today. Sharma appreciated the institute's approach to addressing the issues related to arid farming in an inclusive way.
专访 | 邓典果DDG:带着Jenny回归祖国的怀抱 - 嘻哈中国
说起“成都集团”,相信大家都不陌生了,可是成都集团里面却有位会说法语的人物而且他还做过法语说唱,这个人就是:邓典果DDG! DDG作为在《成都集团Cypher》第二位紧随马思唯出场的rapper, 完美地展示了自己的实力。
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