TRPV2 - Wikipedia
TRPV2 is one type of ion channel that directs T cell activation, proliferation, and defense mechanisms. If the TRPV2 channel were absent or not functioning properly in T cells, T cell receptor signaling would not be optimal. TRPV2 also acts as a transmembrane protein on the surface of B cells, negatively controlling B cell activation. [20]
TRPV2 Gene - GeneCards | TRPV2 Protein | TRPV2 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · TRPV2 (Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel Subfamily V Member 2) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with TRPV2 include Mutilating Palmoplantar Keratoderma With Periorificial Keratotic Plaques and Dentin Sensitivity. Among its related pathways are Ion channel transport and CREB Pathway.
TRPV2 - PubMed
Transient receptor potential vanilloid type 2, TRPV2, is a calcium-permeable cation channel belonging to the TRPV channel family. This channel is activated by heat (>52 °C), various ligands, and mechanical stresses. In most of the cells, a large portion of TRPV2 is located in the endoplasmic reti …
TRPV2和TRPV1、TRPM8等人体温度感受TRP(Transient Receptor Potential )通道的发现者David Julius教授、Ardem Patapoutian教授更是因此获得了2021年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。 在不同的TRP通道蛋白中,TRPV2离子通道是TRP通道香草醛(Vanilloid)亚家族中的重要成员。
2021年10月12日 · 瞬时受体电位离子通道香草素亚型2(transient receptor potential vanilloid ion channel subtypes 2,TRPV2)是属于TRPV通道家族的一种钙渗透性非选择性阳离子通道。TRPV2表达于神经、血管和脾脏等器官组织,参与调节多种重要的生理功能,如伤害性感受、神经发育和免疫应答。
姚镜课题组揭示TRPV2通道-Ca2+-LRMDA信号轴促进病毒感染的 …
2022年10月21日 · 课题组利用 CRISPR-Cas9 技术构建了髓系特异性敲除 Trpv2 的小鼠( Lyz2-Cre;Trpv2 fl/fl ),发现敲除 TRPV2 或利用 SKF96365 抑制 TRPV2 通道活性显著抑制多种病毒的感染,如 HSV-1 、 SeV 、 IAV 与 VSV 等,延长 HSV-1 或 VSV 感染后小鼠的生存期,表明 TRPV2 在细胞与小鼠水平促进...
TRPV2 channel as a possible drug target for the treatment of …
2019年12月19日 · Recent reports show that inhibiting TRPV2 activity effectively improves cardiac function, suppressing myocardial fibrosis and ameliorating the prognosis in animal models of cardiomyopathy with ...
Structural mechanisms of TRPV2 modulation by endogenous and …
2022年9月26日 · Here, we report an endogenous cholesterol molecule inside the vanilloid binding pocket (VBP) of TRPV2, with a ‘head down, tail up’ configuration, resolved at 3.2 Å using cryo-EM. Cholesterol...
知乎盐选 | TRPV2 通道结构与功能研究进展
【摘 要】trpv2 通道是一种温度敏感型 trp 通道,能被高于 52℃ 的伤害性高温所激活,此外还可以响应渗透压、机械和化学等刺激,在维持机体生理功能中具有重要作用。
2022年6月13日 · TRPV2通道是一种对二价阳离子具有较高选择通透性的阳离子通道,在神经组织和非神经组织广泛分布,在不同组织中发挥多样化的功能。 作为一种多觉感受器(Polymodal...