The Sims 2 Build a City Challenge (BACC) Rules
2019年3月9日 · The Sims 2 Build a City Challenge – Emerald Bay. In the Sims 2 Build a City Challenge (BACC), the goal is to build a thriving neighborhood from scratch using rules to guide your ‘hood expansion – including creating new Sims and community lots. I find this to be an enjoyable, challenging, and realistic way to play the game. This is the Pleasant Sims version of the BACC, which is different ...
MarmitePrinter's Simblr | My TS2 BACC Rules
My TS2 BACC Rules Credit goes to nepheris for the original rules that I’ve based these on. These are essentially their rules from 2011 but with a few edits/additions from me here and there to suit my playstyle ( in bold and blue ).
My TS2 BACC Rules – @marasims on Tumblr
My TS2 BACC Rules. Hi everyone! I decided to move my modified Sims 2 BACC rules here from my old Livejournal to make it more convenient. During my Sims livestreams I’ve been asked to link to my rule set and having everything here on Tumblr makes more sense now. I haven’t made any changes to them since uploading them originally, but I'm ...
Tax-Free, Career-Based BaCC Ruleset *UPDATED 07/04/20*
2021年2月9日 · MY TAX-FREE, CAREER BASED BACC RULES (UPDATED 06/19/20) 06/19/20 UPDATE: Tweaked requirements for the Military Career and Military Boot Camp! 01/14/19 UPDATE: LyleSnake made a very useful spreadsheet (Post #15 in this thread) to help us monitor our game progress. Thanks for the extra hand, Lyle!
TS2 Challenge Directory — Challenge Master List - Tumblr
The BACC is quite a popular concept, in some ways a logical extension of the Legacy playing style, but also has many different variations to the rule set. Many different playing styles might fit under the title of “BACC” so long as there is a clearly defined rule set being followed.
A Little Simlish // How I've Been Creating My TS2 BACC Sims
2017年11月11日 · ts2 sims 2 BACC mayflower wip text post. How I’ve Been Creating My TS2 BACC Sims (or: Why This Is Taking Me So Damn Long) The parts I’ve already finished: Rolled to determine how many sims are in each family (I ended up …
BACC Rules List: buildacity_sims - LiveJournal
Original BACC Rules: These are the original rules with some modifications and updates.The creator of the challenge named these as the "official" rules. Alternate Rule Set by nepheris : These rules are much more story driven and add an aspect of a tight-knit community. There is also a community for it: buildacity Alternate Rule Set by redmond-flats: These rules add a lot of interesting changes ...
Build a City Challenge TS2 - Nepheris' Version - Boolprop.net
Build a City Challenge TS2 - Nepheris' Version. Post by simsterlyrock » Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:23 am. Nepheris posted a slightly different version of the BACC challenge on livejournal, and I decided to just copy it out and paste it here so that both versions of the BACC are in …
Kahlena's Sims - Tumblr
Basically this thing is a mix of BaCC rules with some borrowings from Midnight Sun Challenge. Enjoy! The beginning. This challenge takes place on an island or islands neighborhood, so create a new one using empty neighborhoods tamplates and mods like antiredundancy and no townie regen. Now you need some Sims.
Melie's simblr — I decided to switch to my BaCC for a change, and...
2024年1月25日 · I decided to switch to my BaCC for a change, and even though I’m in the middle of the round 18, I thought I’d refresh my memory with some statistics. In the meanwhile, you can check out a recap of all the families I did back in round 17. :)